We are going through a very difficult time as a country. In this difficult and troublesome process, we continue our efforts to extend a helping hand to earthquake victims voluntarily. In this period when we are all trying to do our best, tens of thousands of volunteers came together to form the Open Software Network. So what exactly is the Open Software Network? If you wish, let's answer this question first.
The Open Software Network is a non-profit, all-volunteer community. Our intent and main goal is; locating the earthquake victims, bringing together the needy and the volunteers who want to help, and speeding up the aid. We aim to ensure that the aid reaches its destination by providing verified data flow to aid organizations such as AFAD and AKUT.
To achieve our goal, as we mentioned before, tens of thousands of volunteers came together and developed useful sites:
1.) Earthquake.io: This application was created with the aim of collecting search and rescue efforts, aid and support requests in a common database and transferring them to authorized institutions and organizations in the great earthquake disaster that occurred in Turkey on February 6, 2023.
2.) Disaster Map (afetmap.com): With Disaster Map, it was aimed to inform the institutions and organizations working in the field by transforming the data obtained from the calls for help published on social media into meaningful information.
3.) I'm Fine(meyiyim.com): It was developed in order to establish communication between the people affected by the disaster and their relatives in the disaster area where communication networks do not work efficiently.
4.) Disaster Information (afetbilgi.com): It has been prepared to provide access to temporary shelter and safe assembly areas, food distribution points, blood donation areas and other information that may be needed in the disaster area through a single link.
5.) Earthquake Assistance (earthquakeyardim.com): It was created in order to report the location of earthquake victims or their relatives who have address information, and to transfer this information to the authorized institutions quickly and to ensure that help can reach them.
Although we hope that similar disasters will not occur in the future, our experiences have led us to develop systems that will help us to act quickly in the future. Announcement of these sites we have developed and their rapid use in both disasters and possible situations will help us to reduce the damage of disasters by working together. Our primary request from you is to help increase awareness by sharing these sites as much as possible on your social media accounts, websites and around you.