Feed Support to Earthquake Victims Producers from Izmir

Feed Support to Earthquake Victim Farmers Engaging Livestock in Izmir
Feed Support to Earthquake Victims Producers from Izmir

The first of the trucks that Izmir Metropolitan Municipality sent from Izmir to the earthquake zone in order for agricultural production to continue uninterrupted reached Osmaniye. Feeds started to be distributed to the producers engaged in animal husbandry in the rural areas of Osmaniye. Village Koop İzmir Union President Neptün Soyer also met with the producers in the region together with the members of the board of directors and identified their conflicts.

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality continues its works for the continuation of production in the region within the scope of support activities for the earthquake region. Studies are carried out in the field to determine the damage suffered by small-scale producers and the need for animal feed due to the earthquake disaster, and the support is delivered to the producers. The first of the trucks, which set out to deliver 5 truckloads of feed to livestock producers the previous day, arrived in Osmaniye.

Village Koop İzmir Union President Neptün Soyer and board members participated in support activities in Osmaniye center and rural areas as well as in aid campaigns. Soyer met with the producers here and identified their needs. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Village Coop are also working to revive the existing cooperatives in the region.