TTI Izmir Fair Hosted 35 Thousand 502 Visitors

TTI Izmir Fair Hosted A Thousand Visitors
TTI Izmir Fair Hosted 35 Thousand 502 Visitors

TTI Izmir hosted a total of 102 visitors, 959 of which were foreigners from 62 countries and 34 locals from 543 provinces of Turkey, for three days.

The 16th TTI İzmir International Tourism Trade Fair and Congress, organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, hosted by İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, with the support of TÜRSAB and in partnership with İZFAŞ and TÜRSAB Fair Organization, once again became the meeting point of national and international tourism representatives.

At the fair; from a total of 16 countries, including Germany, Seychelles, South Korea, Jamaica, Cuba, Colombia, Serbia, North Macedonia, and from Edirne to Gaziantep, from Çanakkale to Diyarbakır, from İzmir to Şanlıurfa. Participants from 29 cities all over the world took part.

Ministries, governorships, municipalities, chambers and non-governmental organizations, travel agencies, tour operators, tourism offices, hotels and accommodation facilities, airlines, tourism transportation companies, tourism technology and software companies and many participating institutions from the sector participated in the fair.

TTI İzmir, where the guest of honor is Antalya; In addition to its commercial and investment opportunities, it also drew attention with its events, interviews and specially created "Health tourism" and "Cruise tourism" areas.

Purchasing committee organizations were held with the participation of foreign tourism professionals in the field of health with the Izmir Chamber of Commerce, and in the field of general tourism with the organization of İZFAŞ and TÜRSAB Fair Organization. TTI Outdoor Camping, Caravan, Boat, Outdoor and Equipment Fair, organized for the second time this year, hosted 22 thousand 453 people for four days. The two fairs hosted approximately 58 thousand visitors in total.

Expressing that TTI İzmir attracted great interest from both exhibitors and visitors, İZFAŞ General Manager Canan Karaosmanoğlu Ali said, “We were happy to host the world-class representatives of the tourism industry in İzmir once again. This year, we saw much more interest in our post-pandemic fair. While cities were promoting their own cultures and tourism activities at our fair, we also had a section for professional visitors.” said.

Buyer stated that health tourism and cruise tourism are also included in the sections and said, “Professional visitors in this section; Hotels, agencies, all kinds of participants operating in the tourism sector visited our company and made commercial business agreements. As every year, we organized events and special sessions that will inspire the tourism industry, and hosted important speakers from Turkey and abroad.” he said.

Noting that TTI Izmir is important for the promotion of both Izmir and Turkey, Mr. Buyer said:

“Our fair, which continues to grow and develop every year, continues to be one of the most important platforms that brings different experiences, knowledge and opportunities in the field of tourism to the attention of professionals and guests in the sector for the development of tourism. TTI Izmir; I believe that it will strengthen the entire sector in our country and in the world, as it has in previous years, and that the tourism sector will be a guide for determining the roadmap for 2023.”

Selçuk Nazilli, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TÜRSAB Fairs, said, “This year, we have developed the TTI İzmir Fair, which has brought together national and international tourism professionals under one roof since the first year it was organized, with the aim of transforming it into a tourism exchange where business deals are made around the world in the coming period.” used the phrases.

Pointing out that they brought together the procurement committee group and participants from 55 countries through the appointment system in approximately 6 thousand B2B meetings, Nazilli said, “In addition to the promotion of Turkey's historical and cultural values, we offered our visitors the opportunity to come together with industry trends. At a time when life in nature is so valuable, we brought our visitors together at our TTI Outdoor İzmir Fair with products that take the holiday concept to a different direction, such as caravans, tiny houses, and boats that are developing day by day. We will continue to add vision to the sector in the coming years in both of our fairs that were held successfully.” said.