Shortly before the new year, all eyes and ears of Turkey are turned to the minimum wage. The detection commission, which met for the first time last week, will meet for the second time this week on the specified date. In this context, "How much is the 2023 Minimum wage increase, how many TL will it be, when will it be announced?" began to seek answers. On the other hand, the Cabinet Meeting to be held today is of great importance in determining the rate of increase.
The first meeting of the Minimum Wage Determination Commission was held. TÜRK-İŞ will convene the Board of Presidents and determine the minimum wage strategy. Türk-İş President Ergün Atalay states that 7.785 liras, calculated as the hunger limit, have red lines, and emphasizes that food inflation, which reaches 130 percent annually, should be taken into account. The heads of TÜRK-İŞ member unions state that 8.250 lira should be the starting amount.
The process of determining the new minimum wage, which directly concerns more than 7 million employees and indirectly all citizens, continues.
The Minimum Wage Determination Commission, which held its first meeting on December 7, hosted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, will hold its second meeting on December 14.
Income tax and stamp duty deduction from the minimum wage was terminated as of January 1, 2022. If the net minimum wage is increased to 8 thousand TL, the gross minimum wage will be 9.412 TL and the cost to the employer will be 11.059 TL.
If the net minimum wage is 8.250 TL, the gross wage is 9.706 TL, and the cost to the employer is 11.404 TL; If the net minimum wage is 8.500 TL, the gross wage will be 10 thousand TL and the cost to the employer will be 11 thousand 750 TL. If the net minimum wage is increased to 8.750 TL, the gross minimum wage will increase to 10.294 TL and the cost to the employer will increase to 12.095 TL.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Security shared the results of the research it started to determine the expectations of workers, employers and the public within the scope of the minimum wage determination studies that will be valid in 2023. The common expectation of the public, consisting of citizens from various professions who are not workers or employers, for the minimum wage for 2023 was 7 thousand 845 TL.
Within the scope of the research carried out by an academic staff throughout Turkey, initiated by the Ministry within the scope of the minimum wage determination studies that will be valid in 2023, both workers and employers were reached. In the study conducted across Turkey, 50 percent of the participants were women and 50 percent were men. 18,1 percent of the participants had primary school or below, 18,1 percent had secondary school/primary education, 37,3 percent had high school or equivalent, and 26,5 percent had higher education or higher education, 33,8 percent of them were in the private sector. works as a worker.
17,4 percent are housewives, 16,1 percent are retired, 7,9 percent are students, 6,7 percent are working in small and medium-sized enterprises, 3,8 percent are working as workers in the public sector, 3,7 percent are civil servants, 3,2 percent are unemployed, 2 percent are working in professions that require expertise, 1,9 percent are engaged in farming / animal husbandry, 1,8 percent are senior managers, Within the scope of the research, 1,7 of which were answered by the participants working in other professions, enterprises that reflect the weighted ratios of the Turkish production structure in various sectors were visited and interviews were held with the owners and professional managers of the enterprises.
Table: Participant Profile
Asked in the research, 'Do you think the minimum wage hike in July was sufficient for that time?' On the question, 60 percent of the participants answered that it is not enough, 30 percent is sufficient, and 10 percent is neither sufficient nor insufficient.
Minimum Wage Expectation of Employers 7 Thousand TL
Table: Expectations of Participants
When the public consisting of workers, employers and citizens from different professions was asked about the minimum wage expectation for 2023, the minimum wage expectation of the workers was 7 thousand 500 TL, while the minimum wage expectation of the employers was 7 thousand TL. The common expectation of the public, consisting of citizens from various professions who are not workers or employers, was 7 thousand 845 TL. The expectation of the workers, who stated that they work for the minimum wage, from the minimum wage was calculated as 7 thousand 630 TL on average.
Table: Minimum Wage and Unemployment
'Will the unemployment rate increase with the increase in the minimum wage?' In the survey where the question was asked, 55 percent of the participants answered that increasing the minimum wage would increase unemployment, while 45 percent answered that it would not. 68,8 percent of employers think that increasing the minimum wage will also increase the unemployment rate.
Table: Current Salary Levels of Participants
When the participants were asked about their personal monthly income; 26,8 percent minimum wage, 15,8 percent 5 thousand 500 TL and below, 24,8 percent between 5 thousand 501-8 thousand TL, 17,6 percent 8 thousand 1-10 thousand TL Between 11,1 and 10 percent of the respondents stated that they have a monthly income of between 1 thousand 15 and 3,9 thousand TL and 15 percent of them have a monthly income of 1 thousand XNUMX TL or more.
Table: Monitoring Level of Minimum Wage Discussions
Asked within the scope of the research, 'Do you follow the explanations about the minimum wage?' On the question, 80,4 percent of the workers replied that they followed the explanations, and 19,6 percent did not. On the other hand, 81,9 percent of the employers replied that they followed the explanations and 18,1 percent did not. Citizens who form the public opinion, who are neither workers nor employers, stated that 79,5 percent of them followed the explanations about the minimum wage, and 20,5 percent did not. In the process of determining the minimum wage in 2022, the Ministry conducted a minimum wage research conducted by academic staff throughout Turkey.
In the process of determining the minimum wage in 2022, the Ministry conducted a minimum wage research conducted by academic staff throughout Turkey.