Hidden Nightmares in Men: What is Gynecomastia, How to Tell?

What is Hidden Nightmare Gynecomastia in Men?
What is Hidden Nightmare Gynecomastia in Men, How to Tell

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist Op.Dr.Celal Alioğlu gave important information about the subject. A problem that is becoming more and more men's nightmare every day: "Benign excessive breast development" . In other words; “female type breasts in men”. In medical language, Gynecomastia!

This problem turns out to be the secret nightmare of men. Men can be subjected to a variety of emotional pressures, from being accused of being "feminine", "lazy" or "overeating."

Feminine breasts, purely genetic! As soon as male babies are born, larger mammals can be born due to the estrogen hormone passed to them from their mothers. This situation, which disappears in 2-3 weeks, may reappear in adolescence due to hormonal irregularities. Although most of them disappear between 6 months and 2 years, some of them do not disappear and may start to affect their lives negatively as a secret nightmare of men.

This can become a big problem, especially for boys in adolescence. The most important problem caused by the disease is the feeling of shame! Excess breast tissue for a man begins to be a hidden nightmare, which can go as far as not being able to participate in social environments and not being in crowded environments such as the sea, pool, sauna and hammam in order not to look naked. Undoubtedly, no man would like to have female-type breasts and feel uncomfortable with it. For this reason, it is extremely important for a man's physical and mental health to first determine the cause of gynecomastia and then find a solution to it.

At this point, that is, when we notice the increase in breast tissue, the first thing we should do is to see a specialist and try to determine the real reason for the increase in tissue. It should be known that gynecomastia may be a condition that can be caused by some liver disorders, kidney failures, some thyroid-related diseases and sometimes some types of cancer. In addition to genetic factors, malnutrition, alcohol use, excessive weight gain, use of certain drugs, and hormonal irregularity can be counted among the causes of gynecomastia.

So, how is gynecomastia understood?

In some cases, gynecomastia can be confused with the increase in breast adipose tissue that develops due to excessive weight gain, called false gynecomastia.

If the male breast tissue is much larger than it should be, if the nipples can protrude forward, if a hard, dense, rubbery lump-like tissue is felt under the nipple, the possibility of gynecomastia is very high. It is absolutely necessary to see a specialist in order to determine the exact difference between false gynecomastia and gynecomastia.
“I noticed these symptoms in myself, in which field should I see a specialist doctor? “The question should be our next question.

Gynecomastia is an aesthetic problem that should be treated in terms of reducing the image quality of men. It is necessary to see an aesthetic and plastic surgeon for the diagnosis and treatment of the problem.

The next step is to introduce the methods and techniques that should be applied to make the diagnosis. The diagnosis of the disease can usually be made by listening to the patient's history and after a physical examination. In this process, imaging methods such as ultrasound and mammography are used. In addition, the blood test is important in terms of detecting hormone values. The most important thing in this diagnostic process is to identify the main health problem that caused this problem.

Well, we noticed the problem, we applied to the aesthetic and plastic surgeon, our diagnosis was obtained with various methods and techniques. At what point are we now? What should our new question be?

Is there a treatment for gynecomastia? If so, how should it be treated? This is the question we should ask at this stage. The answer to this question will become clear after the aesthetic and plastic surgeon determines the main factor that causes gynecomastia.

Is non-surgical treatment possible?

In fact, this may be the question that all men who have the problem seek answers to. Yes, alternative methods such as losing weight, doing diet and exercises, quitting the use of drugs that cause it, reducing alcohol use or taking hormone treatments can slightly change this disturbing image. However, none of these methods is a definitive solution for many men. These applications can only help in the treatment of false gynecomastia. Since false gynecomastia means the accumulation of fat in the chest, weight loss can allow to melt the fat in the chest. However, gynecomastia means the increase in breast tissue in the breast, and alternative methods will not solve the problem, since weight loss cannot dissolve the breast tissue.

The definitive and permanent solution is gynecomastia surgery!

So, we should have new questions about the pre- and post-operative process.

How will the surgery process work?

Before gynecomastia surgery, the patient's hormone levels are measured and hormonal imbalances are determined. Necessary treatment is applied to correct these imbalances. In some men, when this imbalance is resolved, the problem may disappear. However, for many, the only solution to achieve a masculine breast appearance is surgery.

In this case, the aesthetic and plastic surgery specialist plans the surgery according to the size of the breast. In breast size, which can be classified between level 1 and level 4, level 1 is the lightest level. In such a patient, the liposuction method is generally applied and the application is completed by removing only the breast adipose tissue. The patient can be discharged on the same day.

Op.Dr.Celal Alioğlu,”4. level is a breast profile the size of a female breast. In this case, liposuction is not sufficient, and the mammary gland tissue is also removed with a longer surgical process. The patient, who uses a corset that tightens the tissues after the surgery, will have the masculine breast appearance that he wants after a while. As long as the hormonal balance is not seriously disturbed in advancing ages, a permanent result will be achieved.

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