The Pressure to Look Beautiful Makes You Feel Inadequate and Guilty

The Pressure to Look Good Makes You Feel Inadequate and Guilty
The Pressure to Look Beautiful Makes You Feel Inadequate and Guilty

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir made important evaluations and shared his recommendations about the effects of the perception of beauty in social media on individuals. While the desire to be visible has always existed throughout human history, being visible on social media has become a part of saying 'I exist' today. Stating that people's existence on social media has become a new opportunity to represent their identities, experts state that approval and acceptance are psychological needs in the desire to be visible anytime and anywhere. Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir, emphasizing that the pressure of looking beautiful in social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy, shame and guilt, draws attention to the fact that intense exposure to these emotions for a long time can trigger psychiatric diseases.

Reminding that the desire to be visible has always existed throughout human history, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir said, “Particularly in the past, portraits and photographs have turned into a desire to be visible everywhere at any time through social media today. Being visible on social media has become part of saying I exist. “The existence of people on social media has become a new opportunity to represent their identities.”

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir said that approval is a psychological need.

Stating that the desire to be visible everywhere at any time can contain some psychological needs, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir said, “Acknowledgment and acceptance are examples we can give to these needs. Of course, these needs may differ for each individual. Therefore, it is important to ask this question to ourselves. People can also ask themselves. What happens when I'm visible? How do I feel when my photos are liked? What happens when it's not visible? What thoughts are starting to invade my mind? As we ask these questions to ourselves, we can get closer to seeing and understanding the needs below your desire to be visible.”

Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir stated that the pressure to look beautiful creates a feeling of inadequacy.

Emphasizing that the perception of constantly looking beautiful imposed on social media can lead to an ideal self-perception, that is, to an unrealistic idealization that looks perfect and beautiful anytime, anywhere, Özdemir said, “The representation of our body in our minds shows how we perceive our body. As the difference between the self-perceived emoji and the idealized self-image image widens, the person begins to evaluate himself on a ground detached from reality. The pressure to look beautiful can cause a person to feel inadequacy, shame, and guilt. Exposure to these emotions intensely and for a long time can also trigger many psychiatric diseases.

Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir said that the need for approval should be looked at in more detail.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir, who stated that the need for approval and actually to be accepted is a situation that everyone feels and experiences from time to time, said, “Our constant visibility, receiving approval and acceptance through our body causes alienation with ourselves and prevents us from establishing healthy relationships with our environment. Because as we evaluate ourselves on the basis of the image, we begin to perceive as if we are only composed of our image or our body. This time, feelings and thoughts seem to lose their meaning in many other factors. Therefore, I consider it important to look at this need for approval in more detail. Should approval be just about being visible, or should that approval only be possible with the approval of people in the outside world? How much do we approve of ourselves, how much do we accept ourselves as we are? or how much we allow ourselves to be. I care about asking ourselves that too,” he said.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir said that change has a global impact and continued as follows:

“Change concentrates people on one type of beauty, one ideal body. Those standardized, perfected and idealized bodies imposed on social media cause the phenomenon of beauty to be discussed on a ground far from reality. The emphasis is on being fit and looking beautiful or handsome all the time. As a result, the person begins to be dissatisfied with his own body. Dissatisfaction with one's body turns into a person's body perception. As the distance between the body, which he idealizes by seeing on social media, and the body he perceives in his mental representation, widens, the person begins to dislike his outer appearance. This dissatisfaction with his appearance begins to affect the self-confidence and value of the person over time. Unless he is satisfied with his own body, he begins to feel unhappy.”

Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir explained that social media affects the perception of beauty.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir, who states that people always look at people who look happy, funny, peaceful, but also perfect, fit, beautiful or handsome on social media, said, “When you look at them, you have a perception that you need to look like them in order to feel like them and live like them. he's getting caught. Thus, many interventions begin towards a uniformized face and a uniformized body. The person may start to diet or stop eating uncontrollably in order to see himself fit and weak all the time. Social media directly affects the perception of beauty, but the only thing it affects is not our perception of beauty at this point, but also our own psychological health begins to be affected by the anxiety we have for this perception of beauty.

Psychologist Özdemir emphasized that a specialist should be consulted at the beginning of the road.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir said, “If our sense of self exists in a negative way due to the imposed perception of beauty, if the person moves away from his own reality and creates false identities that do not reflect his life, and this situation causes him to become alienated and lonely, it is absolutely necessary to seek support from a specialist. It is important not only to consult a specialist when there is a problem, but also to get support before the problem. Why do I want to be visible, why do I want to be liked? If the person finds it difficult to answer such questions when they are asked to himself, it will be the best investment he can make for himself to take this road with an expert while he is at the beginning of the road.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Penbesel Özdemir, who stated that the perception of beauty is always handled through the female body, concluded her statement with the following words.

“It is as if beauty and femininity are paired with each other. For this reason, the phenomenon of women and beauty were discussed side by side in social media and researches. But when we look at today, not only women have problems with this beauty pressure. At the same time, men began to have concerns about being fit and looking handsome. Day by day, it does not remain as a label that sticks on women, it becomes a problem that affects both genders.

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