2 thousand 125 minibuses and minibuses will now be taxis in Istanbul

A Thousand Minibuses and Dolmuses Will Now Become Taxi in Istanbul
2 thousand 125 minibuses and minibuses will now be taxis in Istanbul

The step taken by IMM to solve the chronic taxi problem of Istanbul yielded results. The conversion of 1803 minibuses and 322 minibuses into taxis was approved by UKOME. Again, the 500 barrier-free taxi offer prepared by IMM was rejected. Safety and comfort conditions will be kept at a high level in taxis that transform from minibuses and minibuses. Taxi owners and drivers will undertake to comply with the determined conditions.


The step taken by IMM to solve the chronic taxi problem of Istanbul yielded results. The conversion of 1803 minibuses and 322 minibuses to taxis was approved by the majority of votes in UKOME. Eyüp Aksu, President of Istanbul Taxi Drivers' Chamber, voted negatively for the proposal to transform minibuses into taxis. With the transformation of minibuses, the decision not to change hands for 3 years was approved unanimously. The new taxis that will enter service will have the same serial plate as other taxis. With the decision taken at UKOME in July 2021, again with the proposal of the IMM, the surplus of 750 minibuses and 250 minibuses were converted into taxis.


Stating that they arranged routes on parallel lines with rail systems due to the surplus in Istanbul, İBB Transportation Department Head Utku Cihan said, “We have converted 1000 minibuses and minibuses into taxis in Istanbul before. With today's decision, 2125 taxis have been added to Istanbul public transportation. The system will start at the beginning of 2023 by drawing lots. Our President, one of our minibus tradesmen, at the rubber-wheeled public transportation workshop Ekrem İmamoğluThis request came to him. With the introduction of the metros, we planned to have the minibuses work integrated into this system. Many even minibuses were inefficient, less needed. We continue to organize 57 routes on 118 lines," he said.

Pointing out that they have brought some commitments and conditions in favor of Istanbulites for new vehicles and drivers, Cihan announced that they will require a security section, information screen, camera and vehicle tracking system in taxis, and that there will be different payment options such as Istanbul Card Integrated and credit card. Cihan added that taxi owners will sign a commitment to comply with the determined rules, and that a standard will be set for drivers in terms of training and behavior.

New Taxi Mandatory Commitments and Conditions
In case of unfair gain or selection of passengers;
In the first, the relevant permit is suspended for 30 days,
In the second, the relevant permit is suspended for 180 days,
In the third, the rights obtained from the conversion are revoked.

New Taxi Vehicle Commitments
with security partition
Having an information screen
Having Camera/Vehicle Tracking Systems
Istanbul Card Integrated and different payment options

New Taxi Owner Commitments
In case the minibus plate I own turns into a taxi plate in the draw to be made in accordance with the UKOME decision; I declare and undertake that I accept the conditions communicated to me by IMM and that I approve the cancellation of the taxi license plate converted from my minibus license plate if I do not comply with the conditions in the annex of this undertaking.

New Taxi Driver Commitments
Employing drivers who are not fined for choosing passengers/routes, rude behavior, overcharges
To comply with the attire standard to be determined by IMM
To be successful in Transportation Academy trainings

Transportation Academy 15-Day Compulsory Education Content
Transportation Legislation, Istanbul City Information, Communication Education, Personal Development, Foreign Language, Map-Navigation Reading, OHS Education.


At the UKOME meeting, the 500 Accessible Taxi Offer, which was also offered by IMM, remained on the agenda and discussed in the subcommittee again, but was rejected by a majority of votes on the grounds that it was not in compliance with the legislation.

IMM Deputy Secretary General Dr. Buğra Gökçe replied: “The decision of the Council of Ministers numbered 80, which was issued at the beginning of the 10553s, is not a law. This decision stipulates that taxi business can be done as a tradesman's business. As of those years, there is a taxi organization, which was really a small tradesman business. In Istanbul in 2022, we have come to a different point and we are all experiencing problems. If there is no legislation on this issue, there is no legislation on the transformation of minibuses into taxis. But today and before, UKOME has taken a decision on the transformation of minibuses into taxis. And it passed the judicial review as well. It's just that our UKOME took an initiative before it went through judicial review.”


At the meeting, the proposal to reduce the Shared E-Skuter Speed ​​Limit was also evaluated. In this context, the proposal to reduce the speed limit from 25 km in Istanbul to 20 km in line with the examples in the world was approved unanimously.

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) Transportation Coordination Center (UKOME) November meeting was held at Yenikapı Kadir Topbaş Performance and Art Center. At the meeting chaired by IMM Secretary General Can Akın Çağlar, the taxi problem of Istanbul, which has been tried to be solved for years, was once again brought to the agenda.