The scholarship application, initiated by the Metropolitan Municipality with 3 university students through the Bursa Development and Education Cooperative, reached 10 thousand students, including vocational high school students. The scholarships of 5 university and 5 vocational high school students who were entitled to receive scholarships were deposited to the account numbers they provided during the application.
The Metropolitan Municipality, which has made important investments in all levels of education, from preschool to lifelong learning with BUSMEK, continues to make students smile. With the Limited Responsibility Bursa Development and Education Cooperative, whose short name is 'BURSKOOP', the Metropolitan Municipality, which gave monthly scholarships of 3 TL to 500 thousand university students in the last period, increased the number of university students who will benefit from this opportunity to 5 thousand this year, upon popular demand. In addition, the Metropolitan Municipality 'considered the need for intermediate staff of the industry' and included vocational high school students in the scholarship process this term. For vocational high school students, 300 TL monthly scholarships will be given to the departments; electrical-electronics, machinery-design, informatics-food-beverage services, metal, motor vehicles, fashion design, industrial automation, furniture-interior design, textile, accommodation-travel services, food, printing, plastics, agriculture, metallurgy, rail systems, shipbuilding, biomedical equipment, graphics and photography, animal breeding and health, construction, chemistry, laboratory services, installation-air conditioning, aircraft maintenance and renewable energy, and patient and elderly services.
In the scholarship application, which was awarded by the AK Party Local Administrations Presidency and the award was given by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan himself, the students who made their applications through the website burs.bbbgenclikkulubu.com became final. The funds of 5 thousand university and 5 thousand vocational high school students who were entitled to receive scholarships from BURSKOOP were deposited in the accounts they gave during the application. Students will continue to receive scholarships regularly for 8 months.
“We kept our promise”
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Alinur Aktaş also announced that the scholarships were paid in a statement made on her social media accounts. Addressing the students in his statement, President Aktaş said, “It is very valuable and valuable for us that you prepare for life in the best way possible and make the best use of your years. Supporting your process at every stage is one of our most important responsibilities as Bursa Metropolitan Municipality. We may have options on everything, but not on this issue. As you all know, we promised to support 5 thousand students, 5 thousand of whom are vocational high schools and 10 thousand university students, in order to support your education life. Your scholarships are in your accounts as of now. good luck. Enjoy it, spend it. I have one expectation from you: to be successful in your studies. Bring your grades very well. Making your parents smile. To prepare for life in the best way possible and to put forth an effort to build the future of our country on much stronger foundations. I wish you all success,” he said.