'Read Me Balıkesir' to Win Surprise Gifts at Bus Stops and Buses

Waiting at Bus Stops and Buses in Balikesir is No More Free Time
Waiting at Bus Stops and Buses in Balıkesir is No More Free Time

Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality launched the "Read Me Balıkesir" application at buses and stops. Citizens, who can access many content in the application opened by scanning the QR code, win various surprise gifts as they answer the questions they encounter correctly.

Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, in addition to providing a safe travel service to citizens in transportation; With the new applications it has implemented, it gradually increases its service quality. With the "Read Me Balıkesir" application, the Metropolitan, which eliminates the time expected at the bus stop or spent on the bus, is not free time, and brings many content together with the citizens in the application opened by scanning the data matrix. Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, which has implemented many innovations and projects to make public transportation services more qualified every day, continues to offer citizens not only life safety, but also a comfortable journey service. In this context, with the "Read Me Balıkesir" project implemented by the Metropolitan Municipality Department of Transportation, Planning and Rail Systems; The time expected at the bus stop or spent on the bus ceases to be free time. The Metropolitan Municipality, which has activated the "Read Me Balıkesir" QR code application in all of the stops, Metropolitan Municipality Buses, minibuses and taxi minibuses in the Merkez Karesi and Altıeylül districts, continues to work within the buses between the districts.


By logging into the program meoku.balikesir.bel.tr from the "Read Me Balıkesir" application, which is opened by scanning the QR code from the mobile phone camera, the entry is provided to the system (Register-Member Login-Continue Without Registration) and the category lists are opened from the screen panel that opens. In the application, the content of which is constantly updated and enriched by the Metropolitan Municipality Department of Culture and Social Affairs, there are texts and questions in the contents of the categories. Citizens logging into the system with member login answer the questions after reading the texts, and citizens who answer the questions correctly; Various surprise gifts are given by the Metropolitan Municipality.

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