Domestic Wastes Can Be Turned Into Products That Provide Benefit In Many Fields From Agriculture To Health!

Domestic Wastes Can Turn into Products That Provide Benefit in Many Fields, From Agriculture to Health
Domestic Wastes Can Be Turned Into Products That Provide Benefit In Many Fields From Agriculture To Health!

“1. In the Workshop on Obtaining Biomaterials from Biological Waste and Biomedical Applications, it was emphasized that recycling of household wastes could result in a significant economic gain as well as reducing environmental pollution.

Domestic wastes that are not properly separated cause significant environmental pollution and pose serious risks to public health. Recycling household and biological wastes to the economy, while eliminating the environmental pollution they cause, also allows for a serious economic added value. Because, biological and domestic wastes can be transformed into products that provide benefits in many fields from agriculture to health!

Organized by the Near East University Center of Excellence Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials Research Center and Environmental Research Center, the “1. The benefits that can be obtained from the recycling of domestic and biological wastes were discussed in the Workshop on Biomaterial Extraction from Biological Waste and Biomedical Applications.

At the workshop held with the participation of Tatlısu Mayor Hayri Orçan, the results of the “Freshwater Pilot Zone Zero Waste” project carried out in the Tatlısu Region under the auspices of the Presidency were also evaluated.

Successful results are revealed with the “Freshwater Zero Waste” project

Near East University Faculty of Agriculture Dean and President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Presidential Tourism and Environment Committee Prof. Dr. Özge Özden said that the “Freshwater Pilot Zone Zero Waste” project realized in the Tatlısu region showed very successful results in waste management in the region.

Emphasizing that household waste should be seen as a very valuable resource that can contribute to the country's economy, Prof. Dr. Özge Özden made statements about different types of waste. Underlining that the Freshwater Pilot Zone Zero Waste project they carried out in the Tatlısu Region under the auspices of the Presidency was very successful in waste management in the region, Prof. Dr. Özden also made a scientific presentation on making garden compost from kitchen waste.

Hayri Orçan: “The people of Tatlısu own the project with high added value!”

"one. Tatlısu Mayor Hayri Orçan, who participated in the Workshop on Biomaterial Obtaining from Biological Waste and Biomedical Applications, emphasized that the people of the region own the project, which was established and developed with the support of the Presidency of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and that the project has become a high-value added income item for the region.

In the 1st Workshop on Obtaining Biomaterials from Biological Waste and Biomedical Applications, Near East University Environmental Research Director Prof. Dr. Salih Gücel gave information about the importance of organic soil and how to recycle organic waste with systems. Near East University, Faculty of Veterinary Staff Dr. Meryem Betmezoğlu gave information about how varroa disease in bee production can be treated with organic waste orange peel and eucalyptus leaves.

Near East University Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials Research Center Director Prof. Dr. Terin Adalı, on the other hand, emphasized the importance of obtaining biocompatible materials from organic waste by sharing information about body-compatible scaffolds made with organic waste and drug release systems, which they revealed through their studies.

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