What are the Screening Tests in Breast Cancer?

What are the Screening Tests in Breast Cancer
What are the Screening Tests in Breast Cancer

Medical Oncologist Associate Professor Nilay Şengül Samancı gave important information on the subject. Breast cancer screening tests help us find cancer at an early stage, before symptoms appear. It should not be forgotten that diagnosing breast cancer early helps the person to live longer and better quality. Some cancers may never cause symptoms but can be found with a screening test. Screening tests have many goals; cancer is found before symptoms appear, it is easier to treat when found early, and cancer death rates are reduced. What are the screening methods for women at average risk for breast cancer:

Mammography: The screening imaging method used today for breast cancer is mammography. Women aged 40-44 have the option to start screening with mammography every year. Women aged 45-54 should have a mammogram every year. Women 55 and older can switch to biennial mammograms or choose to continue with annual mammograms. As long as a woman is in good health and is expected to live for at least 10 more years, screening should continue.

Breast Self Examination: It is recommended that every woman over the age of 20 should examine themselves within the first week after the end of their menstrual period, on a certain day of each month for non-menstrual women, and after breastfeeding or milk discharge in lactating women.

What should be considered in breast self-exam?

In the presence of abnormal growth, swelling or a palpable mass in one of the breasts, redness or thickening of the breast skin, shape or color change in the nipple, discharge from the nipple, and a palpable mass under the arm, it is necessary to consult our doctor.

How to do breast self-examination: It is done first by observing and then by hand.

Visual inspection:

• Stand in front of a mirror bare from the waist up.
• Look with both arms hanging down.
• Look with both arms raised.
• Look with both hands pressing on the waist.
• Look forward while pressing both hands on the waist.

Manual inspection:

• Use the 2.3.4 fingers of your hand on the front sides.
• Inspect your breast area with circular movements with your other hand by raising your hand above your head on the side of the breast to be examined. After examining both breast areas standing up, lie down on a flat bed and repeat the same examination.

Associate Professor Nilay Şengül Samancı said, “Patients at high risk for breast cancer should definitely consult their doctor.”

manual inspection

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