What is Palpitation? Does Excessive Tea and Coffee Consumption Cause Palpitations?

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What Is Palpitation? Does Excessive Tea and Coffee Consumption Cause Palpitations?

We've all felt our heartbeat quicken when we're excited, scared, or when we get important news. This reaction of our body in the face of the emotions we are talking about is quite natural. However, under normal conditions, we do not expect the heart to beat that fast. Cardiology Specialist Associate Professor Ömer Uz gave important information about the subject.

What is Palpitation?

Palpitation is the feeling that a person experiences because the heart is beating faster than it should or is contracting strongly. The feeling of palpitation may indeed occur due to the rapid beating of the heart. However, this is not the cause of all palpitations. In some cases, strong contractions of the heart can also cause palpitations. If the palpitation occurs due to the heart beating faster than normal, this condition is called "tachycardia" in medicine.

What is Tachycardia?

tachycardia, heart; beating faster than the normal range for various reasons. Adults at rest are expected to have a heart rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute. If the pulse (heartbeat) rate is over 100 per minute, the term "tachycardia" is used to describe this heart rhythm. This condition, also known as palpitation among the people; It can be seen during psychological disorders such as panic attacks or cardiovascular diseases such as rhythm disorder.

What Should a Normal Heart Rate Be? What is the Normal Heart Rate Range?

  • The normal heart rate for a healthy and resting adult is 60-100 beats per minute.
  • The normal heart rate of a child who meets the same conditions is 100 – 120 per minute,
  • Again, the normal heart rate of a baby who meets the same conditions is in the range of 100 – 140 per minute.

The normal pulse rate may vary depending on the age of the individual. In addition, it should not be forgotten that the heart rate may increase naturally during physical activities and emotional changes. Therefore, the ideal ranges given above are valid for individuals who are at rest.

What are the Causes of Palpitation?

Causes of palpitations may include:

  • Sudden mood swings; fear, excitement, sadness.
  • Extreme stress.
  • Intense physical activity; running, exercises, sports activities.
  • Excessive consumption of products containing caffeine such as tea and coffee.

These cause a type of palpitation known as sinus tachycardia or physiological tachycardia. Sinus tachycardia can be easily eliminated by some lifestyle changes. However, if the cause of the palpitation is arrhythmic tachycardia (tachycardia caused by arrhythmia), different medical treatment approaches may be required. Whether the patient has sinus tachycardia or arrhythmic tachycardia can be determined by tests such as EKG.

In addition to what we have mentioned, some people may also experience palpitations due to panic attacks.

How Is Heart Palpitations Treated? How Is Palpitation Treated?

Assoc. In order to eliminate this symptom, the cause must be determined. Palpitation sensation; If it is seen due to excessive stress, caffeine use, strenuous activities, some lifestyle changes can be made. If it is seen due to panic attacks, psychological support can be obtained. If the feeling of palpitation is thought to occur due to a rhythm disorder in the heart, it is necessary to consult a cardiovascular specialist. Thus, necessary examinations can be made and the details of the rhythm disorder can be investigated. Then an appropriate treatment can be started.”

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