Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank inaugurated the Easycep Renovation Center in Istanbul. Stating that EasyCep managed to reach a valuation of 2021 million dollars at the beginning of 1,2 after receiving a seed investment of 2022 million dollars in 100, Varank said, “Thanks to the developing entrepreneurship ecosystem, Turkey is now a shining star in capital investments.” said.
Minister Varank inaugurated Turkey's largest electronic goods renewal center Easycep. In his speech here, Varank stated that a standard was developed for the renewal of second-hand mobile phones with the Turkish Standards Institute and said:
In this context, we started the certification process quickly. To date, 20 establishments have completed their preparations and earned the right to become a renewal center from us. With the current figure, nearly 155 thousand second-hand mobile phones have been renewed and offered to the market in a certified manner. In other words, by supporting the circular economy, we have taken a very valuable step towards leaving a more livable world to future generations, and this continues.
We call it a second hand certified mobile phone. So, what is this certified phone, what does the standard we created bring? The mobile phone renewal centers established with this standard we have created, primarily eliminate the causal link between the phone they receive from the customer and the old user.
If there is a place where the devices need to be repaired or replaced, they make these, make the necessary software interventions and make them available for sale. They guarantee that the refurbished phone they sell will work for at least a year without any problems. Our citizens can now buy second-hand mobile phones with confidence. In terms of smartphone sales, there is a 450 billion dollar market for smartphones in the world. The smartphone market in our country is also quite large.
Renovation centers will prevent imports and make a significant contribution to our country in terms of economic value. It will play a role in reducing the current account deficit. Renovation centers provide great benefits to our country in terms of sustainability, security and economy, and this benefit will continue to increase in the coming period. This market will grow, the players in this market will diversify, the possibilities will expand.
We came together to inaugurate Easycep, Turkey's largest renovation center. Easycep, which was established in a small place in 2018, continues its activities in a closed area of 4 thousand square meters with the license of the Ministry of Commerce. It currently has 350 employees, their year-end target is to reach the figure of 500.
After EasyCep received a seed investment of 2021 million dollars in 1,2, it managed to reach a valuation of 2022 million dollars at the beginning of 100. There are very serious angel investors investing here in Turkey. Here is the success story of both the company and Turkey. Thanks to its developing entrepreneurship ecosystem, Turkey is now a shining star in capital investments.
As Turkey, we have been performing well in entrepreneurship lately. At this point, my young population is our biggest advantage. We have made serious strides towards our young people in order to benefit from their potential. Tryap technology workshops, Ekol 42 schools, TEKNOFEST. These are all applications and projects where the seeds of the entrepreneurial generation are planted.
I would like to share the good news of a newly started program here. Yesterday, we announced the "Talent Istanbul" support program, with a budget of 100 million lira, aimed at bringing our young people into the software industry by our Istanbul Development Agency. With the Talent Istanbul program, we will train and employ young people in the software industry by establishing software developer training and employment centers.