Last Minute: 5,1 Magnitude Earthquake Happened in Osmaniye!

last minute earthquake osmaniye
last minute earthquake osmaniye

Was there an earthquake in Osmaniye, Gaziantep and Kahramanmaraş, how big was it? The answer to the question is among the questions questioned. The earthquake that took place in Osmaniye was also felt in the surrounding provinces. Citizens living in the region began to investigate the magnitude of the earthquake. Well, was there an earthquake in Osmaniye, Gaziantep and Kahramanmaraş, how big was it? AFAD and Kandilli latest earthquakes list….
Was there an earthquake in Osmaniye, Gaziantep and Kahramanmaraş, how big was it? AFAD and Kandilli recent earthquakes list are among the researched topics. Last minute earthquake statement came from AFAD. An earthquake with a magnitude of 18.48 occurred at 5,1:XNUMX in the Düziçi district of Osmaniye. Well, was there an earthquake in Osmaniye, Gaziantep and Kahramanmaraş, how big was it?

Last minute earthquake statement came from AFAD. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5,1 occurred in the Düziçi district of Osmaniye.

According to the information on the website of the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), the depth of the earthquake that occurred at 18.48:9 was determined as XNUMX kilometers.

The earthquake in Osmaniye was also felt in Adana. AFAD and Kandilli latest earthquakes list is as follows:

osmaniye earthquake last minute osmaniye gaziantep and heromarasta earthquake, how big was afad and kandilli

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