Children's Happy Start to School Affects Their Whole Lives Positively

Children's Happy Start to School Affects Their Whole Lives Positively
Children's Happy Start to School Affects Their Whole Lives Positively

Specialist Psychologist Begüm Özkaya said that children's healthy and happy start to school affects their whole lives positively.

Medicana Sivas Hospital Specialist Psychologist Begüm Özkaya, when it's time for school, most children; Expressing that he is under social, academic and emotional stress, he said, “Stress is a state of pressure and tension that a person feels on him. In this sense, it can be considered a part of daily life. Whether they are children or adults, they experience a great deal of stress. However, especially children enter into a more difficult process because they do not know how to deal with stress. Summer vacation is a great period of relaxation for stressed and anxious children. When it's time for school, most children; social, academic and emotional stress. Stress and anxiety, which are more common in children who are attached to their families and like to spend time at home, usually occur as a result of not wanting to be separated from their parents. Another factor that causes this stress is the child's fear of failing in school. This fear negatively affects the child's point of view towards school and causes them to have a fear and anxiety towards school. They derive excuses such as nausea starting from the evening, weakness, persistent stomachache, headache and dizziness. In addition to children who have just started school, we often come across students who make such excuses even at high school age.” said.

Özkaya said that the fears, stress and anxiety of children who will start school can be understood and reduced, “But unfortunately, most of them are not understood by their families and cannot be helped. Children with school anxiety usually want their parents to be with them during the hours they are at school. If their mother or father leaves, they have a crying crisis and they definitely do not agree to stay in school. These children, who have difficulty focusing on the lesson, cannot adapt to what their teacher tells. In addition to these, the child's health status is of great importance in this stress and in the process of getting used to school. Because children's healthy and happy start to school affects their whole lives positively. For a successful school season, children need to make a healthy start to the new term. While general screenings in preschool contribute to a productive school period for children; It provides the prevention of many diseases that can be encountered in adulthood. It is very important for parents to be sure of their children's health, from eye health to bone development, from blood values ​​to hearing status.

Emphasizing that families should always talk to their children about the beauties and benefits of school, Özkaya said, “It would be wrong to constantly reward children who insist on not going to school, as well as to constantly reward them from school. Because the frequent use of punishment and reward system is not correct. Otherwise, the child will perceive the reward he receives every time he goes to school as a bribe and will use this situation over time. You can reward your child with simple and small things when necessary. An order should be established in order to solve the problems by talking, to get his ideas and to create a certain balance in the house. with him sohbet to show that you understand it; Your child will have no trouble grasping that school is a necessary and important place. As parents, your most important duty is to be very patient during this process. You should always talk to your child about the beauties and benefits of school, and show your own school photos if necessary. Go shopping for school together and do not forget to get her ideas while shopping. It is necessary to warn that the time to watch television and play games will be limited when he stays at home, in the face of the excuses of illness produced for not going to school. It should be stated that because he is sick, he will lie down and rest and this will be boring for him. Saying that it would be more fun to go to school and spend time with his friends during recess will discourage him from these excuses. Also, don't forget to have your child's health check-ups before starting school. Building strong friendships is also one of the most important ways to reduce stress at school. In addition, increasing the number of out-of-school activities, increasing sports, exercise and hobby activities helps to cope with school stress.

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