Recommendations to Increase Metabolic Rate, Which Plays a Key Role in Weight Control

Tips to Increase Metabolism Rate, Which Plays a Key Role in Weight Control
Recommendations to Increase Metabolic Rate, Which Plays a Key Role in Weight Control

Specialist from Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital. Dietitian and Specialist. Clinical Psychologist Merve Öz made recommendations to increase the metabolic rate, which plays a key role in weight control.

Saying that the body goes into "fight or flight" mode in stressful situations, Specialist from Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital. dit. Merve Öz made the following suggestions:

“This physiological mechanism, also known as the acute stress response, tells the body that it must respond to a perceived threat. The body prepares itself by releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. With the secretion of these hormones, the body prepares for vigorous activities and this can cause suppression of nutrition.

Proper nutrition is at the forefront of the issues that will speed up the metabolism. Wrong eating habits such as being hungry for a long time, snacking at night, eating fast and excessively affect the metabolism negatively. Therefore, not eating all day to lose weight will not only help to lose weight, but also cause weight gain. Conversely, diets with adequate carbohydrate, protein and fat intake are effective in the regular functioning of metabolism.

Green tea, which is a very powerful antioxidant, also has the ability to speed up metabolism. In a study conducted by comparing the group that took green tea extract with 60 obese individuals in Thailand; It has been determined that green tea reduces body weight by increasing energy burning and fat oxidation. In another study conducted by examining male participants for 8 weeks, it was determined that the catechins of green tea increased fat burning during both exercise and rest.

Saying that adequate and quality sleep is also very important in increasing the metabolic rate, Dyt said. Merve Öz explained that both insufficient sleep and too much sleep can affect this balance. Stating that this situation has been revealed in many studies, Dyt. Merve Öz gave the following information:

“As a result of several studies, a higher prevalence of obesity has been found in individuals who sleep poorly. However, it is also known that insufficient sleep plays an important role in glucose metabolism and the hormones that regulate metabolism. Insufficient sleep; Studies have shown that it reduces the level of leptin (satiety) hormone, while increasing the level of ghrelin (hunger) hormone. However, adequate sleep is important for metabolic rate, since not only insufficient sleep but also excessive sleep has the potential to disrupt the body's metabolic balance.

If a person does not have a health problem and did not warn the doctor about this, 30 ml of water should be consumed per kilogram per day. In other words, a 60 kilo person should consume 60 x 30 ml = 1800 ml of water. In a study examining the effect of water on metabolic rate and adipose tissue metabolism by drinking 14 ml of water to 500 healthy adults, it was found that drinking 500 ml of water increased the metabolic rate by 30%. An increase was observed in the 10-minute period after drinking water, and the maximum speed was reached in the range of 30-40 minutes. It has been calculated that this thermogenic effect will increase the energy consumption by about 100 kJ, and as a result of the study, it is predicted that drinking 2000 ml of water will increase the energy consumption by 400 kJ.

As the muscle mass in the body increases, the need for energy and building blocks will increase, so the metabolic rate also increases. In addition, people with more muscle mass will work more muscles during movement, so their metabolic rate will be higher.

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