American Politicians Planning Coup Must Suffer The Punishment They Deserve

American Politicians Planning a Coup Must Suffer the Punishment They Deserve
American Politicians Planning Coup Must Suffer The Punishment They Deserve

China Media Group evaluated the world agenda. The statement said: “Former national security adviser John Bolton, who has always been outspoken, has caused great trouble for the United States, this time by telling the truth.

Bolton, a national security adviser to the Trump administration, admitted in an interview with US media on July 12 that he "helped plan coups in other countries." Although Bolton did not specify which coups he carried out, he did mention the coup attempt in Venezuela in 2019.

Bolton's truth-telling sparked international public outcry, particularly in countries and regions that have been pressured by the United States.

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales wrote on social media that Bolton's statements show that the US is "the worst enemy of democracy".

It's no secret that the US has long acted as the "gendarme of the world" to plot coups in other countries. But Bolton's arrogant acknowledgment of this fact as a former senior US administration official is unusual.

Bolton's "open sözcüWe cannot think that it is ”; this confession is a natural manifestation of the hegemonic thought that has penetrated into the bones of American politicians.

In an interview with Al Jazeera in 2008, Bolton said planning a coup in a foreign country was "an essential tool for advancing American interests."

The United States has a long history of meddling in the internal affairs of other countries. For example, as early as January 1893, the United States launched a crackdown on American immigrants in the Kingdom of Hawaii and sent military support to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani's regime. The United States annexed Hawaii in 1898 and made Hawaii its 1959th state in 50. A century after the coup, in 1993, the US government formally apologized for the coup that illegally overthrew the Hawaiian Queen.

As the United States annexed more and more overseas territories, it began to interfere frequently in the internal affairs of other countries, especially those seen as "backyards". According to incomplete statistics, since the beginning of the 20th century, the United States has planned dozens of successful or unsuccessful coups in Latin America. The Cato Institute wrote in April that US-trained military officers have staged at least four coups in West Africa in the past two years, in Burkina Faso (2022), Guinea (2021), and Mali (2020 and 2021).

In addition to military vehicles, the US government is also good at playing the "color revolution" card. The CIA and some other agencies use funding methods to export, infiltrate, sabotage, and incite so-called "democratic movements" of American values ​​to target countries and regions.

From planning to overthrow Iran's democratically elected leader, Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953, to plotting to overthrow the Cuban government led by Fidel Castro in 1961, the CIA is behind everything.

The agencies known as the shadow CIA are inseparable from a series of events such as Georgia's "Rose Revolution", Ukraine's "Orange Revolution" and the "Arab Spring".

If the United States is the source of world turmoil, Bolton-type politicians are the operators who create wars and export them to the outside world. These American politicians, whose hands are covered in the blood of people of other countries, must be investigated, prosecuted and punished according to the law by UN agencies! Their so-called self-proclaimed “experience” is undeniable proof!”

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