Communication Strategy Against Violence Against Women to be Prepared

Communication Strategy Against Violence Against Women Will Be Prepared
Communication Strategy Against Violence Against Women to be Prepared

Within the framework of the 4th National Action Plan for Combating Violence Against Women (2021-2025), it is planned to prepare a "Communication Strategy for Combating Violence Against Women" and to add awareness-raising content to e-Government.

Within the scope of the action plan, various activities planned to be completed by the end of 2025. In this framework, “Communication Strategy for Combating Violence Against Women” will be prepared with the support of relevant institutions and organizations under the coordination of the Ministry of Family and Social Services.

An international conference will be held where good practices in the field of awareness and awareness will be presented.

Awareness and awareness-raising activities will be carried out for Turks living abroad. Awareness-raising content will be added to e-Government.

Training and seminar programs for male members will be organized by professional organizations in the nature of public institutions and unions of civil servants, workers and employers.

Education and awareness activities will be carried out for fathers in order to combat early and forced marriages.

In accordance with the Municipality Law, incentives will be carried out for all municipalities with a population of more than 100 thousand to open guesthouses.

Obliged persons under probation due to acts of violence against women will be allowed to participate in anger management programs.

Students studying at the law faculties of universities will be given training on women's human rights and combating violence against women.

5 main objectives, 28 strategies and 227 activities were determined

Within the scope of the Action Plan, 5 main targets, 28 strategies and 227 activities were determined for the roadmap to combat violence against women with the principle of "Zero Tolerance to Violence".

With the legal amendment made on May 27, 2022, the penalties for willful killing, intentional injury, threats, torture and torture against women were increased. Persistent pursuit actions, which were previously considered among other crimes, were regulated as a separate crime with the article 123/A added to the Turkish Penal Code.

The scope of free legal aid for victims has been expanded by granting the right to request a lawyer to be appointed by the bar association, among those who will benefit from the assistance of a lawyer in the absence of an attorney, to those who are victims of persistent pursuit crimes and intentional injury, torture or torture against women.

It was stipulated in the law that the perpetrator's formal attitudes and behaviors aimed at influencing the court at the hearing would not be considered as a reason for discretionary reduction.

Within the scope of the activity of forming a working group consisting of experts on the prevention of violence against women in order to examine the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 and the relevant legislation, a Science Commission was established within the scope of the General Directorate of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice to conduct the necessary investigations and research, to make recommendations and to complete the legislative preparations.

Regular training activities have been started by the Justice Academy for the judges in charge of the implementation of Law No. 6284 and the public prosecutors working in the Domestic and Violent Violence Against Women Investigation Bureaus.

Training was given to 166 judges, prosecutors and candidates on the practice of judicial meeting rooms.

On 16-17 December 2021, an in-service face-to-face training program was held in Afyonkarahisar for 6284 judges and public prosecutors in charge of dealing with these cases, under the title of "Law No. 78 on Protection of Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women".

81 meetings for the promotion and implementation of the Action Plan in 532 provinces

4 meetings were held to promote and implement the 81th National Action Plan for Combating Violence Against Women in 532 provinces and reached 20 thousand people.

In order to determine the policy priorities of the 4th National Action Plan for Combating Violence Against Women, the 2022 action plan was prepared and put into practice.

As of June 81, the Provincial Action Plans for Combating Violence Against Women, covering the years 2022-2022, entered into force in 2025 provinces.

The 15th Meeting of the Violence Against Women Monitoring Committee was held on November 25, 2021 with the participation of relevant ministers, representatives of public institutions and organizations, universities and non-governmental organizations.

Within the scope of the "Project for the Development of a Multifaceted Social Service Model for Perpetrators of Violence on the Axis of Violence against Women", modules in which the business processes and institutional responsibilities of the relevant institutions and organizations regarding the support services to be provided to the perpetrators are determined, support and intervention programs developed in accordance with the needs for rehabilitation are created. Training will be held for service providers.

Within the scope of the project, the project technical documents will be prepared for the tender process in May 2022, and the project activities will start after the signing of the contract with the relevant academic institution.

A total of 18 headmen were reached in 11 pilot provinces.

On the other hand, awareness seminars on anger control conflict resolution, gender equality, and trainer training for 6284 personnel in 4 provinces were held for those against whom a preventive injunction was applied within the scope of Law No. 52.

A "Training Program" was organized for 21 personnel working in Violence Prevention and Monitoring Centers, Provincial Directorate Women's Services Unit, Social Service Centers Contact Points for Combating Violence from 130 provinces in order to support the Provincial Action Plans for Combating Early and Forced Marriages and to improve the skills of professional staff to work with the community.

The Ministry of Family and Social Services reached a total of 2021 headmen in 18 pilot provinces within the scope of trainings for headmen in 11.

While materials are being prepared for domestic violence awareness seminars for men working in factories and businesses in organized industrial zones, pilot trainings are planned to be held in July 7 in 2022 provinces.

While courses for women victims of violence are currently being conducted in Public Education Centers affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, course programs on Prevention of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence and Anger Management were organized in the centers last year. In this context, 2021 courses were opened in 21 within the scope of Preventing Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, and a total of 419 trainees received training.

Under the coordination of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, 81 Provincial Directorates, ŞÖNİM and SHM Contact Points for Combating Violence will train 2021 privates in 7 within the scope of awareness activities (training, seminars, conferences) for different target groups on combating violence against women and forced marriages. and 199 thousand 6 paid soldiers were reached.

In addition, 13 male personnel attended the “In-Service Training Seminar for Male Personnel Working in Family and Religious Guidance Offices” on 16-2021 December 741.

In these seminar programs, courses such as "Combating Violence Against Women", "Approaches to Victims", "Preventing Child Neglect and Abuse", "Religious References in the Prevention of Domestic and Violence Against Women" took place.

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