What is Biodiversity? Why Is Biodiversity Important?

What is Biodiversity Why is Biodiversity Important
What is Biodiversity Why Biodiversity Matters

​Biodiversity; It can be characterized as the difference between living organisms from all kinds of sources, including sea, land, aquatic ecosystems and all living environments that are part of it. The loss of this diversity in the ecosystem can cause problems that can lead to the end of life on earth.

Many living organisms live on nature. The exchanges that occur between these living organisms meet biodiversity. Biodiversity is the name given to the whole of all ecosystems, genes or species in existing areas.

What is biodiversity?

While biodiversity is so important, everyone's mind is 'What is biodiversity?' question may arise. Biodiversity, abbreviated biodiversity, is an indicator of the ability of ecosystems to sustain the life support process necessary for human well-being. At the same time, a healthy environment emerges with good biodiversity. It is known that biodiversity has been seriously destroyed in recent years due to pollution, climate change and unsustainable use of resources. This destruction has reached a level that threatens human life today. Biodiversity consists of three elements important to a sustainable environment:

  • Genetic Diversity; It is possible to express it as packages that are inherited and determine the biochemical and physical properties of existence. Genetic diversity can be measured by the difference in genes within a given population, subspecies, species, or race. These differences also enable adaptation to changing conditions.
  • Species Diversity; A group of organisms showing similarity in genetic terms and as a result mutual reproduction. Along with this, productive creatures called "species" occur. It is possible to give examples of humans and animals. Species diversity is often measured by looking at the total number of species that exist within a given geographic range.
  • Ecosystem Diversity; an ecosystem; consists of inanimate objects such as water, soil, minerals and air. The functionally complex interrelationships of communities within and between each other create ecosystem diversity. Expressed here is the mechanism of major ecological processes such as soil formation, water circulation and energy flow. These processes provide the necessary support system for living communities, and in this way a situation of interdependence develops. The phenomenon underlying the sustainable development approach emphasizes the importance of biodiversity.

Why Is Biodiversity Important?

After making a detailed explanation of what biodiversity is, it is time to ask why biodiversity is important. Ecosystems and the species they host have very important biological functions. If we need to give an example of this; It would be a good example for green plants to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere, thus keeping the environment healthy and suitable for human life.

It is possible to talk about that every ecosystem has a complex function. Although there are many unknowns about which species have which important function, what is known and noteworthy here is; is that any change made on the ecosystem prevents it from fulfilling some important functions. Many fiber-like materials used in fuel, medicine, clothing, industrial products and building materials are obtained through various types of animals, plants, microorganisms and fungi of different species. In this sense, biodiversity is very important.

It is possible to say that biological diversity contributes to the current level of technology and agriculture. The opportunities provided by biological diversity and ecosystems are extremely important for the continuity of human life. Plant and animal species that make up biodiversity are used in fields such as pharmacy, forestry, medicine, fisheries, animal husbandry, industry and agriculture. It is very effective in providing clean air and water in these areas.

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