Consume Plenty of Water to Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack in Hot Weather!

Drink Plenty of Water to Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack in Hot Weather
Consume Plenty of Water to Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack in Hot Weather!

Due to the loss of fluid and the increase in blood clotting rate, the incidence of heart attacks increases in summer. Near East University Hospital Cardiology Department Head Prof. Dr. For this reason, Hamza Duygu reminds that even healthy people should pay attention to their fluid intake in summer.

Increasing air temperatures threaten human health with the changes they cause. Heart diseases are among the diseases with increased risk during this period. Near East University Hospital Cardiology Department Head Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu says that people with high blood pressure, heart failure and clogged arteries are a risk group for heart health in the summer months. prof. Dr. Duygu recommended that people who have had a stent applied to their heart vessels before or who have a history of bypass should be especially careful because they may develop an increase in heart rate due to fluid and salt losses caused by sweating caused by excessive heat and humidity.

Pay attention to liquid consumption!

Referring to the effects of hot weather on heart patients, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu noted that extremely hot and humid weather creates an increased risk, especially for cardiovascular patients, patients with hypertension and heart failure. He stated that the most effective method of the body against heat is sweating, that salts and minerals called fluids and electrolytes are lost with sweating, and that the decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the veins can lead to a decrease in the volume of blood going to the kidneys, and therefore to deterioration in kidney functions.

prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu said, “The decrease in minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which are excreted from the body with sweating, can be the trigger of palpitations and life-threatening rhythm disorders, especially in heart patients. Patients with hypertension or heart failure, therefore using diuretic drugs, should pay attention to adequate fluid consumption. Otherwise, complaints such as weakness, fatigue and deterioration in kidney functions may occur. People with such complaints may need to re-adjust drug doses in consultation with their doctor. In addition, ankle and leg swelling is more common in summer months as a side effect of medication in patients using calcium channel blocker group blood pressure medication.

Precautions to be taken to protect heart health in summer

Stating that there are precautions that even healthy people should take to protect heart health, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu listed the measures that can be taken as follows: Light-colored clothes that do not increase sweating should be preferred; should be fed in accordance with the Mediterranean diet in which fruit and vegetable consumption is at the forefront; Considering that the daily fluid requirement is increasing, around 2-2.5 liters of fluid should be consumed daily; Considering that uncontrolled soda and mineral water consumption may increase blood pressure and increase heart failure complaints, excessive consumption should be avoided; should not go out during the hours when the sun's rays are steep; one should go into the sea on an empty stomach in the morning and evening; exercises should be done in the morning and evening; Since very cold water can spasm in the veins and disrupt the blood flow, very cold seas, pools and showers should not be entered; In case of complaints such as chest pain, palpitation, shortness of breath, and feeling of faintness, the nearest health institution should be consulted.

Heart patients, pay attention to these on hot summer days!

With the increase in air temperatures, Prof., who also gives advice to people with a history of cardiovascular disease, to protect their heart health. Dr. Hamza Duygu suggested that they spend time in cool places as much as possible, avoid heavy alcohol and caffeine consumption, and apply to a health institution without wasting time in case of complaints such as chest pain, shortness of breath and palpitation.

Emphasizing the importance of blood pressure patients having strict blood pressure monitoring, and in case of irregularities in blood pressure values, they should consult their doctors and ensure that their drug doses are rearranged. Dr. Hamza Duygu reminded that paying attention to daily fluid consumption and rearranging the doses of diuretic drugs with the advice of a doctor should not be ignored if necessary.

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