What is a News Reporter, What Does He Do, How To Become? News Reporter Salaries 2022

What is a News Reporter What Does It Do How to Become News Reporter Salary
What is a News Reporter, What Does He Do, How to Become a News Reporter Salary 2022

A news reporter is a professional who collects news for magazines, newspapers, television and news sites. He can either turn the information he collects into a news report himself, or deliver it to the editor to make the news. A news reporter is one of the most important employees of a media organ. In line with the publication policy of the institution, it conducts research for the requested news and, if necessary, provides interviews with authorized persons. He does the given job in the shortest possible time.

What Does a News Reporter Do, What Are Their Duties?

The task of the news reporter is to reach the most accurate information about the desired news as soon as possible. During news gathering, 'What?', 'When?', 'Where?', 'How?', 'Why?' and 'Who?' seeks answers to questions. Their duties are:

  • To conduct detailed research on a news that he/she found or given by the institution,
  • To contact people and organizations that the news is related to,
  • Paying attention to the 5W1K rule while creating the news,
  • Not to use information that does not confirm its accuracy in the news,
  • If the accuracy of the information is very important, clearly stating that it is an 'claim',
  • Respecting the reputation and rights of individuals and institutions while creating news,
  • To prepare the news as soon as possible,
  • Not to include expressions and expression styles that will create confusion in the prepared news,
  • Supporting the news with relevant images,
  • Paying attention to the technical rules of journalism such as the inverted pyramid.

How to Become a News Reporter?

Anyone interested in the journalism profession can become a news reporter. A special education is not required for correspondence, rather bilateral relations are important. However, graduates of communication faculties or those who are trained in vocational courses can work in this field as a professionally trained news reporter. To become a news reporter, you must first receive basic journalism education. There are many courses related to this profession in communication faculties. These are as follows:

  • Mass communication
  • Specialized journalism
  • media ethics
  • News writing techniques
  • interview techniques
  • New Media
  • Contact History
  • Photography

News Reporter Salaries 2022

The lowest News Reporter salary in 2022 is 5.200 TL, the average News Reporter salary is 7.800 TL, and the highest News Reporter salary is 15.800 TL.