Within the scope of the six-day program prepared by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality for March 8, International Women's Day, the “Women of the Republic Sing in Izmir! The World Is Listening” choir met with art lovers in Izmir. The night, which ended with "I'm an Aydin Turkish Woman" and "Izmir Anthem", hosted great enthusiasm.
Mayor of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Tunç SoyerIn line with the 's women-friendly city' vision, the six-day events organized for 8 March International Women's Day continue. As part of the program, "Women of the Republic Sing in Izmir" at Ahmed Adnan Saygun Art Center (AASSM) last night! The World Is Listening” choir gave a concert. With the cooperation of İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, İzmir Tülay Aktaş Volunteer Organizations and the Belgian Turkish Women's Association, 88 amateur female voices met with art lovers in commemoration of the 88th anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's granting the right to vote and be elected to Turkish women. Ümit Bulut was the artistic director of the concert, where Atatürk's favorite songs, feminine songs, folk songs, tangos, waltzes and marches were performed. Art lovers accompanied the choir's songs with applause. The pleasant night ended with Aydın I'm a Turkish Woman and İzmir Anthem. The audience in the hall shared the enthusiasm with Turkish Flags during the marches.
"I wish innocent people and children no more harm"
İzmir Tülay Aktaş Voluntary Organizations Collaboration Term SözcüSü Fatoş Dayıoğlu said, “I wish that peace will be established all over the world as soon as possible and that innocent people and children will not be harmed any more” and the Mayor of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality for his support. Tunç SoyerHe thanked. Before the concert, Dayıoğlu presented a plaque of appreciation to Neptün Soyer and İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Özuslu for their efforts and contributions. Neptün Soyer said, “It was not easy to build this bridge between the two countries. That's why sharing it with you makes this bridge even bigger.”
Who participated?
Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor attended the event. Tunç Soyer's wife Neptün Soyer, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Özuslu, Karaburun Mayor İlkay Girgin Erdoğan and his wife Teoman Erdoğan, Tülay Aktaş's daughter Gülay Aktaş, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Council Member and CHP Group Sözcüsü, Gender Equality Commission President Nilay Kökkılınç, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Ertuğrul Tugay, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Social Projects Department Head Anıl Kaçar, Belgian Turkish Women's Association President Yeliz Karaca, İzmir Tülay Aktaş Volunteer Organizations Coordination Board and volunteers, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Municipality bureaucrats, representatives of non-governmental organizations, women's rights activists, academics, artists and art lovers attended.