10 Ways to Be Fit and Vigorous in Spring

10 Ways to Be Fit and Vigorous in Spring
10 Ways to Be Fit and Vigorous in Spring

With the spring months, the search for getting rid of the extra pounds gained during the pandemic started. While some do not avoid turning to shock diets for this purpose, Dilan Eker, Nutrition and Diet Specialist at Acıbadem Taksim Hospital, emphasizes that every diet should be personalized, otherwise it will not be sustainable, and shock diets seriously threaten health.

So, how can you get rid of excess weight in the healthiest way in the spring season? Nutrition and Diet Specialist Dilan Eker told 10 tricks of getting rid of excess weight in the spring and gave important warnings and suggestions.

Listen to your physiological hunger!

In the weight gain during the pandemic period; sedentary life, increased stress and unbalanced diet take the lead. Increased levels of cortisol, known as the stress hormone; It can lead to foods with high salt, fat and sugar content and fattening in the body, especially around the abdomen. To reverse this situation; Do not turn to eating when you feel stressed, do not turn food into therapy. When you want a snack, drink a big glass of water, wait for a while, focus on different hobbies and activities that will relax you. When you are really hungry, eat your meals slowly, chew well and focus on what you eat to feel full.

Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day

Drinking enough water is essential for all metabolic activities, but it is also important for weight and appetite control. Do not forget to drink 30 ml of water per kilo per day, at least 1.5 liters of water. You can add apple, cinnamon, cucumber, mint, ginger to the water you drink and make drinking water more enjoyable.

Eat plenty of seasonal vegetables

Vegetables are the most important nutrients in weight control, thanks to their antioxidant compounds, high fiber and water content. Since they are high in volume and have very low energy, they help you feel full and provide you with lower energy. It also takes time to eat and chew vegetables, which helps you feel full by eating less. At each meal, fill half of your plate with seasonal vegetables of different types and colors.

Do portion control

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Dilan Eker “Stay away from very low-calorie and extremely restrictive shock diets. These diets may help you lose weight initially, but can almost always result in you returning to more than you started. At the same time, it can lead to long-term damage to many organs such as kidneys and liver. "Adopt a diet plan that will provide you with the nutrients your body needs, but create a calorie deficit and lose weight," she says.

Get enough quality protein

Protein-rich foods help you stay full for longer and feel full. Consume protein-rich foods in a balanced way, such as meat, chicken, turkey, fish, legumes, eggs, yogurt, kefir. Take care to consume fish, which is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, and legumes, which are a source of fiber, twice a week. Consume red meat infrequently and make sure that the meat is low-fat. Proteins with the longest satiety period; They are effective on satiety hormones such as ghrelin and GLP-1.

Avoid white flour

Instead of white flour foods, prefer whole grain-wholegrain bread, bulgur, oats. Soluble fibers such as beta-glucan found in whole grains condense by attracting water in your stomach, helping to delay stomach emptying and help control weight. Thanks to the fiber they contain, whole grains with a low glycemic index help to activate hormones that suppress appetite in the intestines. However, be careful not to overdo it even if it is whole grain.

Avoid sugary foods and drinks

Intense sugar-added foods and drinks cause you to take high calories, as well as cause fluctuations in your blood sugar and then eat more. In particular, packaged foods with glucose and fructose syrup may be the main culprits of abdominal circumference and liver fat. Avoid consumption of foods and drinks with added sugar. Instead, consume fresh or dried fruits in moderation. Take advantage of the blood sugar balancing properties of cinnamon spice.

Do not consume excessively fatty foods

The sine qua non of a balanced diet, the intake of fats from healthy sources and the amount of consumption are important in weight control. Fast food and processed foods containing high saturated and trans fats can cause weight gain and invite chronic diseases. Focus on sources of healthy fats and consume enough anti-inflammatory oils such as olive oil and oilseeds.

do regular physical activity

Being physically active and exercising provides numerous benefits to our metabolism as well as weight control. In order to lose weight in a healthy way, do not neglect to exercise in addition to an adequate and balanced diet. Do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance exercises (such as walking, jogging, dancing, cycling, swimming) per week. Support these workouts with strength-stretching-balance exercises to support your muscles. Adopt regular physical activity as a way of life that you can maintain throughout your life.

Don't eat without getting hungry, though!

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Dilan Eker “Do not eat without getting hungry, but do not be too hungry for the next meal. Avoid frequent snacking. "You may want to consider getting professional support from a nutritionist for the most appropriate diet plan to fit your lifestyle and metabolism," she says.

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