Is Adenoid Beneficial in Children?

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Ear Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist Assoc. Dr. Yavuz Selim Yıldırım gave information about the subject. Adenoids are located at the back of the nose in children and tend to grow until the age of eight. It tends to shrink from age eight to age 16. It cleans the air passing through the nose and actually acts as a guard in the nasal part. It does not cause any symptoms in ninety percent of children, it does not cause any harm, it helps. However, today, the frequency of adenoids is increasing due to unhealthy diet, increasing allergy rates and structural problems. Does adenoid cause structural disorders? How is adenoid diagnosis made? When should adenoids be treated? How is adenoid surgery done?

Since the Great Adenoid obstructs the nose, it mechanically prevents breathing and can cause a serious problem called obstructive sleep apnea, up to cessation of breathing during sleep. Children with sleep apnea develop growth and development retardation, hormonal disorders, eating disorders and behavioral disorders.

Since the adenoid is a member of the immune system, it destroys the microbes it catches, but sometimes the microbes settle in the adenoid and become chronic there and become a source of constant infection, that is, it causes recurrent upper respiratory tract infections.

Does adenoid cause structural disorders?

Yes. Adenoid can cause structural disorders. These patients can be recognized directly from their face when they enter the door. Instead of resembling their parents, they show typical facial symptoms that we call Adenoid face. As a result of the long duration of the problem, a typical facial expression characterized by a long and thin facial structure, high palate, forward growth of the upper jaw, constantly open mouth, bad teeth and sunken under eyes occurs.

Children with adenoids may experience snoring, sleeping with their mouth open, sleep disorders, decreased academic performance, restlessness, speech and swallowing disorders, fluid collection in the ear, recurrent lower respiratory tract infections and throat infections.

How is adenoid diagnosis made?

Adenoids can be seen directly during the examination with the help of endoscopy, a special instrument in the hands of otolaryngologists, or can be detected by filming if necessary.

When should adenoids be treated?

Nasal meatus should be re-evaluated after drug treatment of patients with infection. Adenoid that causes the complaints of sleeping with mouth open, snoring and constantly turning in bed, sweating in the neck and head means that the adenoid is symptomatic and requires surgery. In addition, fluid in the ear and the condition of the tonsils should be checked. It would be better to remove the adenoid completely under endoscopic vision with the evaporation method so that it does not regenerate. It may be sufficient to take it with the classical scraping method.

At what age range is it most common?

It is usually done more frequently between the ages of 3-6.

How is adenoid surgery done?

Adenoid surgery is performed by anesthetizing, that is, under general anesthesia.

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