House Dust Allergy Can Be Confused With Covid Symptoms

House Dust Allergy Can Be Confused With Covid Symptoms
House Dust Allergy Can Be Confused With Covid Symptoms

Associate Professor, Medipol Mega University Hospital, Department of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. Dr. Hikmet Tekin Nacaroğlu, 'People who are sensitive to house dust mites, that is, mites, suffer from dry cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, wheezing and a feeling of tightness in the chest as a result of re-contacting the allergen. Those who still have complaints despite the negative Kovid PCR test should definitely see an allergist.' said.

Stating that complaints such as dry cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness and wheezing are seen in people who have allergic reactions to house dust mites, Assoc. Dr. Hikmet Tekin Nacaroğlu said, “Especially the symptoms are mixed with Kovid, and after the test is negative, diagnosis and treatment are delayed. Mites are microscopic creatures that cannot be seen with the naked eye. People who are sensitive to house dust mites, namely mites, experience dry cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, wheezing and a feeling of tightness in the chest as a result of re-contacting the allergen. Those who still have complaints despite the negative Kovid PCR test should definitely see an allergist.”

Stating that house dust mites' body structures and feces are allergic, Nacaroğlu said, "These sticky fecal particles adhere to various items and are constantly spread into the air. House dust mites cause sensitization when they reach the respiratory tract of people with allergies. People with allergies should especially make their living spaces suitable for them. When symptoms are seen, support should be sought from an allergy and immunology specialist," he added.

Emphasizing that environmental protection measures should be started from the bedroom first, Nacaroğlu said, “The bedroom should be ventilated frequently. Beds, pillows and duvets should not be wool or feathers. Carpets should be removed. If it cannot be removed, short pile, synthetic carpets or rugs should be used. Wool carpets should not be used. There should be no wall-to-wall carpet in the house.” made his warnings.

Nacaroğlu, who warns that the duvet covers, sheets and pillowcases used should be washed in hot water of at least 60 degrees, said, “Change your duvet cover sets at least once a week. Blankets and duvets should be washed once a month. Do not use wool blankets. Frequent cleaning should be done with a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner, and the child should be removed from the room during cleaning. Curtains should be of dust-proof washable fabric. Velvet curtains and animal hides should not be used. All items upholstered in fabric should be removed in the bedroom. Items such as furs, wool sweaters and sweaters should be kept in a closed cupboard outside the child's room. Floor coverings should be wiped with a wet cloth. Furry or stuffed toys should be removed. By increasing ventilationtubeshould be prevented as well,” he advised.