If this is the color of the blood that comes out in hijama Attention!

If this is the color of the blood that comes out in hijama Attention!
If this is the color of the blood that comes out in hijama Attention!

Hijama is known as a health method that has been practiced for centuries. Recently, it has become popular again. What is hijama with many health benefits? Why is it done? Are there any forms of hijama application? In which diseases is cupping useful? How is hijama applied? Is the color of the blood coming in hijama important? Why ? Who does not apply hijama, why? Is there any side effects of hijama? Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Associate Professor Ahmet İnanır gave important information on the subject.

What is hijama? Why is it done?

Hijama is an application method in which the intercellular fluid is removed by creating superficial skin incisions together with vacuum on certain body regions and points in order to prevent any disease or disease. It is definitely not a method of drawing blood.

The aim of cupping therapy is to increase the microcirculation of the applied area by creating local vasodilation, to create an analgesic effect by reducing increased muscle activity, to stimulate acupuncture points, to remove adhesions formed in the tissue, to help excretion of many drug metabolites, heavy metals, chemicals and toxic substances, and also It is ensured that pre-inflammatory substances, inflammatory cells, toxins, bacteria, harmful chemical and biological substances are removed from the area with cupping before they pass into the pathological stage. It is recommended that capillary vessels should not be damaged by traumatizing as much as possible, and it is especially recommended to expel the intercellular fluid. It has been reported that cupping facilitates the excretion task of the skin, and even the term skin-kidney is used in scientific research.

Are there any forms of hijama application?

There are many application methods such as dry mug, wet cup (hijama), moving cup, empty cup, needle cup treatment, water mug therapy, hot mug/moksa cup, herbal cup.

In which diseases is hijama useful?

Studies have shown that waist and neck hernia, waist, neck and knee calcifications, rheumatic diseases, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, restless legs syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, anemia, headache and migraine, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and shoulder pain. It states that hijama can be done in case of problems.

How is hijama applied?

It is based on the principle of removing the contaminated fluid in the tissue by cutting-drilling by applying the suction-drawing method with a cup to the scientifically determined parts of the body. It is recommended that the scratches on the skin be parallel to the natural folds of the skin, as it will facilitate healing and reduce scar tissue. Maximum solution can be obtained when hijama is applied to special areas and acupuncture points. It is recommended especially in the spring and autumn months, and in the Islamic literature on odd days after half of the lunar months. However, if there is a disease, it can always be applied. Clinical studies do not recommend any dietary restrictions for individuals receiving cupping.

Is the color of the blood coming in hijama important? Why ?

Scientific research has shown that the purpose of hijama is to clean the intercellular fluid; To remove blood is not to cut a vein. With the reduction of intercellular edema and the removal of wastes, the tissue relaxes, the trapped lymph and blood vessels are opened. It is not the blood vessels that are contaminated, but the fluid between the cells.

Hijama is not applied to whom, why?

In general, patients with pacemakers, anemia, organ transplants, menstruation or pregnancy, hemophilia patients, kidney failure, chemotherapy, low blood pressure disease, children under 2 years old, wounds, burns, eczema and varicose areas should not be applied. However, cupping is also used in the treatment of anemia by stimulating blood production. The idea that it causes weakness because it causes blood loss is not true because the purpose of hijama is not to draw blood, but to remove the contaminated fluid between the cells. According to scientific studies, it is stated that the less blood removed in hijama, the more accurate the procedure is.

Are there any side effects of hijama?

Like every application, cupping has side effects and these are classified as definite and probable side effects. The most serious side effect, although rare, is vaso-vagal syncope. Iron deficiency anemia may develop in case of taking a lot of blood and doing it frequently. In scientific research; Side effects such as dermatitis, herpes infection, skin pigmentation and laceration, cervical epidural abscess, cardiac hypertrophy, and increased pain have been reported. In addition, it has been reported that infection (Hepatitis B, C, HPV or HIV) can develop if it is not applied by professional healthcare professionals and the necessary sanitary measures are not taken.

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