Recommendation for a Healthy Diet

Recommendation for a Healthy Diet

Recommendation for a Healthy Diet

Every unconscious diet also ruins the dreams of achieving a healthy weight. Anadolu Health Center Nutrition and Diet Specialist Tuba Örnek stated that every mistake made during the diet can cause many health problems and said, “Weight problems and obesity due to unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle are a problem that we encounter more and more every day. In parallel with this, the number of people who resort to the wrong ways to lose weight is not small. Dieting is never a temporary process, it is a lifestyle that should be adopted in the path of sustainable health.” He also talked about the most common mistakes while dieting.

Trying to replicate another person's diet

Diet is personal. It varies according to clinical situation, lifestyle, physical activity and preferences, and these need to be evaluated by a dietitian. At the end of a healthy weight loss process under control, a suitable diet is reached and this continues throughout life.

Eliminating all carbohydrate-containing foods completely (even fruit…)

If the person does not have a special condition, an average of 40-50 percent of his daily energy needs should be provided from carbohydrates; May the cycles of metabolism continue in a healthy way. Of course, the type of carbohydrate is very important here. What should be excluded from the diet; Foods with added table sugar, glucose/corn syrup, starch, sweetened and made with white refined flour. Whole-grain bread, fruit, legumes, milk and dairy products, and crustacean/fiber cereals contain complex carbohydrates that are necessary for our body. Nevertheless, let's remind this; individual restrictions should be decided under the control of a doctor and dietitian.

choosing not to have dinner

Contrary to popular belief, not eating dinner does not contribute to healthy weight loss. The important point here is not to eat dinner at all, but not to leave it late.

eating only liquid

Feeding with vegetable and fruit juices for a long time is considered as a uniform diet. We may be getting many vitamins and minerals by eating this way, but adequately balanced nutrition is not provided without protein and fat.

Relying on just cinnamon or lemon water, thinking it's a fat burner

Cinnamon or lemon added to water does not have a fat-burning effect. Burning of excess fat in the body can be achieved if it is integrated with a personalized balanced diet and regular sports.

Eating yoghurt with chili pepper before going to bed

Thanks to the probiotics it contains, yogurt helps intestinal health. In some studies, the capsaicin in chili peppers has been shown to support weight loss, and its anticancer and satiating properties. Therefore, we can say that yoghurt with chili pepper is healthy. You can even add turmeric, black pepper and other popular spices. But there is nothing special about eating it late. It is recommended to stop feeding after 19.00-20.00 in the evening as much as possible.

Preferring foods that are completely fat-free and light

Unless specifically restricted by a doctor or dietitian, you don't need to choose fat-free animal products. Because our body also needs some saturated fat.

cooking food without oil

Olive oil is a quality oil to use especially in meals and salads due to its strong antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that not a fat-free diet, but a simple sugar-free diet has an effect on weight loss.

Seeking non-diet solutions to lose weight fast

Herbs/teas that support weight loss by accelerating metabolism with weight-loss drugs and surgical procedures are only truly effective when accompanied by diet and sports. None of these should be seen as miracles on their own.

Not including sports in the diet process and thinking that it is a temporary period

Diets without sports either do not produce results or force the person to take very low calories. This is an undesirable situation in terms of immunity. It should not be forgotten that; dieting is never a temporary process, it is a lifestyle that should be adopted in the path of sustainable health.

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