Fatigue and Weakness Can Be a Sign of Anemia

Fatigue and weakness can be a sign of anemia
Fatigue and weakness can be a sign of anemia

Stating that anemia, also called anemia, is a clinical condition that develops as a result of various diseases from a disease, Prof. Internal Medicine Specialist from Medical Park Çanakkale Hospital. Dr. Semir Pasha said, “As a result of insufficient oxygen transport to the tissues in people with anemia, conditions such as fatigue, weakness, and muscle pain may occur.” What is Anemia? What Are the Symptoms of Anemia? What are Anemia Treatment Methods? What is good for anemia?

Stating that anemia can develop due to changes in the number, volume or content of red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen to the tissues, Prof. Internal Medicine Specialist from Medical Park Çanakkale Hospital. Dr. Semir Pasha said, “A blood hemoglobin level below 12 g/dL in women and 13 g/dL in men in laboratory tests is defined as anemia.”


Stating that many reasons such as decreased red blood cell production in the bone marrow, the short life span of the produced red blood cells, the breakdown of red blood cells in organs such as the spleen and liver, or bleeding can lead to anemia, Prof. Dr. Pasha shared the following information:

“Bone marrow diseases, insufficient iron and vitamin B12 in the bone marrow, insufficient raw materials, deficiencies in some hormone-like substances that stimulate production can cause insufficient production in the bone marrow. As a result of some hereditary diseases, immune system diseases or diseases that enlarge the spleen, conditions such as excessive destruction or shortened red blood cell life can occur. Bleeding is another important group. Sometimes severe bleeding is easy to find and easily recognized. But insidious bleeding can be a sign of serious diseases. Ulcers that develop as a result of stomach or intestinal cancers, absorption disorders or inflammatory diseases of the intestines are insidious and serious causes of anemia.


Mentioning that mild anemia can be seen frequently in women at early ages and in childbearing age, Prof. Dr. Pasha said, “Even though we try to treat these anemia with iron deficiencies, which are not considered very important, and try to treat them with iron drugs, the underlying cause must be determined in anemia tables that are accompanied by stomach and intestinal complaints, reaching serious levels, unresponsive to iron treatments, and accompanied by weight loss, especially in advanced ages. It needs to be investigated.”


Stating that anemia will be graded as mild or severe, there may not be any symptoms in patients with mild or moderate anemia or in slowly developing anemia, even if it is severe. Dr. Pasha said:

“In cases where anemia develops rapidly and in severe anemia, distinctive symptoms occur and the patient's condition may worsen accordingly. If these symptoms occur, treatment should be started as soon as possible. The nails of bloodless individuals are generally more fragile and unhealthy. Cracks may appear around the mouth and in some parts of the body. The patient's skin color gradually becomes pale. It may even be seen that the tongue hurts and swells from time to time. His hair falls out, he becomes sluggish and tired. They get cold easily and have palpitations. Chest pain may occur in daily activities and palpitations increase with movement, dizziness and darkening of the eyes occur. In addition, there is a possibility of problems such as lack of concentration and inability to focus. Headache begins to appear frequently in a bloodless patient. Although the patient does not change his diet, he may become weak. Sometimes there are symptoms to reflect the cause of anemia. It can cause many symptoms such as bleeding in the stool, bleeding from the mouth, bleeding from the mouth and nose, abdominal and side pains, swelling on the left side due to enlargement of the spleen, deformities in the facial bones in hereditary types of anemia.


Emphasizing the importance of evaluating people with these complaints in terms of anemia, Prof. Dr. Pasha said, “As a result of the necessary tests, anemia has been detected and the causes of anemia must be investigated, especially in people with anemia that is resistant to treatments. Early evaluations enable the detection of some diseases before they reach further stages and increase the chance of treatment. Doctor's advice should be taken into consideration in this regard," he concluded.

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