The 12th Transport and Communication Council continues to bring together sector representatives. TCDD Transportation General Manager Hasan Pezük, TCDD General Manager Metin Akbaş, TÜRASAŞ General Manager Mustafa Metin Yazar and AYGM General Manager Yalçın Eyigün made speeches at the “Railway Sector Session” held on the second day of the Council.
In the session that started with the presentation of TCDD General Manager Metin Akbaş, the past, present and future of railways were explained.
“The Railway Sector, which is a safe, reliable, fast and environmentally friendly transportation system, is growing day by day”
Akbaş: “As the stakeholders of the railway sector, I hope that we will achieve good and good results by enlightening each other's path in this session.
As you all know, in today's world where mobility, speed and punctuality are very important, the railway sector, which is a safe, reliable, fast and environmentally friendly transportation system, is growing day by day.
In our railway sector, which contributes to sustainable economic growth, investments in urban rail systems and high-speed train operations continue to increase.” said.
Akbaş talked about digitalization in railways, railway and environment, safety and security in railways, international transport corridors and logistics.
“It is inevitable that our country will move to the top among other railway transport countries with increasing railway investments”
Making a speech after Akbaş's presentation, AYGM General Manager Yalçın Eyigün emphasized that we are in the 12th rank worldwide in railways, but the first 4 countries are America, China, Japan and India and that these countries are not in the position where Turkey can compete in terms of their area. He added that with the increasing railway investments, it is inevitable for our country to move to the top ranks among other railway transport countries.
Making a speech after Eyigün, TCDD Transportation General Manager Hasan Pezük said: "First of all, I would like to express my love and respect to you all, I wish the 12th Transportation and Communications Council to be beneficial, and thank those who contributed." he began his speech.
“We aim to increase our freight transportation to 2024 million tons in 33.”
Hasan Pezük: “In the field of rail passenger transportation, we carried a total of 2019 million passengers in 164,5 with high-speed trains, urban suburban trains, and conventional mainline and regional trains. In 2024, we aim to reach 182,5 million passengers in total by transporting 16,7 million passengers in Marmaray, 21 million in YHT and 237 million in conventional trains. On the other hand, we carried 2019 million tons of cargo in 29,3. With the effect of 36% increase in international freight transportation last year, we increased our cargo shipments in 2 to 2020 million tons with a total increase of 29,9% compared to the previous year. This year, we expect to carry 5 million tons by increasing our cargo shipments by 31,5%. In 2024, we aim to increase our freight shipments to 33 million tons.” said.
While explaining the transformation in the railways due to the Kovid-19 pandemic, Pezük emphasized that the interest in railways increased during the pandemic period with contactless transportation and digitalization, and that the railway will come to the fore even more in logistics with the investments made.
“We Connect Ports, OIZs, Logistics Centers, Large Factories and Production Centers to the Railway Network with Junction Lines”
Stating that the investments continue and that their targets are higher with increasing investments, TCDD Transportation General Manager Pezük said: “We are working with our relevant institutions to make our railway infrastructure compatible with the Logistics Master Plan targets, including logistics centers and junction lines. Considering railway priority projects, the share of railways in the transportation budget was increased to 2020% in 47 by our Ministry. In 2023, this rate will reach a high value of 60%. Together with our infrastructure institutions, it is aimed to increase the capacity of our railway lines with new lines, sidings, road extensions, railway signaling and electrification projects, and thus reach the point where they can carry more loads.
We connect ports, OIZs, logistics centers, large factories and production centers to the railway network with junction lines. We want to increase block train operations by increasing the number of junction lines.
We are increasing the number of 12 logistics centers to 26 together with the ongoing construction and project work. We are working in coordination with our Ministry on business models related to the correct and efficient use of logistics centers.
We plan our current vehicle and wagon fleet in the most accurate way. We make locomotive, wagon, capacity and mechanic planning using digital technologies that we have created at the center, thus increasing our efficiency.” said.
“We will continue to contribute to the competitive environment of our exporters and industrialists”
Emphasizing that they unite the continents in international freight transportation, BTK and the Middle Corridor, Pezük said: “As a result of Turkey's geopolitical position and the friendly relations it has developed with the countries of the world, our country is at the crossing center of many international corridors.
The opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway line in 2017 has accelerated our transportation to Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia and Central Asian Turkic Republics.
The Central Corridor (Trans-Caspian East-West Central Corridor), which was brought to life for the revival of the historical Silk Road, starts from Turkey to the Caucasus region, and from there, crosses the Caspian Sea to Central Asia and the People's Republic of China, following Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. reaches.
Our Organization, which is a permanent member of the TITR International Union, which was established for the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, makes great efforts to make the Middle Corridor effective and efficient. It is predicted that the transportation started on the China-Turkey-Europe line will increase gradually in the future.
With the Trans-Caspian route, an uninterrupted transportation network has been established from China to Europe, and it has become possible to transport the goods that go by sea in 45-60 days from China to Turkey on a route of approximately 8.700 km in a period of 14 days. As TCDD Transportation General Directorate, we will continue to contribute to the competitive environment of our exporters and industrialists by increasing our efficiency and the advantages we will provide with our railway transportations. he said.
“In 2022, Mass Production of High-Speed Trains That Can Reach 160 Kilometers Speed Will Be Started”
Mustafa Metin Yazar, General Manager of TÜRASAŞ, emphasized nationalization. The author said that many rail system vehicles, from tram to high-speed train, from metro to high-speed train, are produced in our country and the use of domestic and national technologies is very soon. He stated that in 2022, the mass production of the high-speed train, which can reach a speed of 160 kilometers, will begin and the usage area of domestic and national technologies will increase.
The session ended with the voting of the sector targets and participant evaluations.