Russian Alexandrov Red Army Choir and Haluk Levent on Stage for Manavgat

Russian Alexandrov Red Army Choir and Haluk Levent on stage for Manavgat
Russian Alexandrov Red Army Choir and Haluk Levent on stage for Manavgat

The goodness movement, which was born and flourished after the fires in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions, this time betrayed Manavgat to heal its wounds. In the concert to be held at Manavgat Atatürk Stadium on October 6, Russian Alexandrov Red Army Choir will meet on the same stage with a soloist for the first time in its history and sing the anthems of the Republic with Haluk Levent. With the revenues from the concert, 420 slightly damaged buildings in Manavgat will be repaired through the Ahbap Platform.

Due to the disasters experienced in different parts of our country in the past months, irreversible damage has occurred and many people, non-governmental organizations and institutions have mobilized to heal the wounds. Volunteers, who took responsibility to revitalize the region's ecosystem in the fires in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions, to repair the damage and to restore the people of the region to their old life, came together for Manavgat this time. “Manavgat Goodness Movement”, which was formed with the participation of Manavgat Municipality, Ahpap Platform and volunteers known for their charity activities, joined hands for a giant concert in order to repair 420 less damaged buildings in Manavgat and to restore the residents of the region to their old life. At the concert to be held at Manavgat Atatürk Stadium in Antalya on October 6, the Russian Alexandrov Red Army Choir will share the stage with a soloist for the first time in its history and sing the anthems of the Republic with Haluk Levent. With this concert on 27 October, in addition to Haluk Levent's tour with the Russian Alexandrov Red Army Choir, which will start on September 6, the wounds of the people of Manavgat will be healed.

It's Possible to Explore Side with the Concert

Volunteers, including Neşe Gönül, Feryal Gülman, Monik İpekel, Gonca Karakaş, Reyhan İpekel and Saffet Emre Tonguç, who are known for their volunteering activities in the public, asked, “What can we do to heal the wounds of the region?” The event, which was planned with the support of the artist Haluk Levent, the founder of the Ahbap Platform, in the “Manavgat Goodness Movement Project”, which he set out with the question, turned into a large-scale organization. Manavgat Municipality, Bitexen and Miramare Hotels are the main sponsors of the event, while Pegasus Airlines will provide guests with discounted transportation.

The event, in which volunteers work hand in hand to help the region develop again and revive its tourism, also includes a Side-Manavgat tour to be held between October 5-6, in addition to the concert, whose income will be transferred to the families who were victims of the Manavgat fire through the Dude Platform. It is possible to have an unforgettable experience in every respect on the tour where the famous guide Saffet Emre Tonguç will show the participants the Ancient City of Side, the most important port city of Pamphylia in ancient times. Apart from contributing to the improvement of the lives of the people of the region, this special event will both travel to the history of the region with the company of storyteller Saffet Emre Tonguç, and witness a historical moment in the night when the Russian Aleksandrov Red Army Choir will share the same stage with a soloist, Haluk Levent, for the first time. possible to do.

“Together We Are Stronger!”

Neşe Gönül, who is among the volunteers who join hands for the people of Manavgat and who is both in the organization and sponsorship of the project, said, “Our trip was actually for the promotion of Side. While we were trying to carry out this trip with Saffet Emre Tonguç and Serda Büyükkoyuncu, we suddenly experienced unfortunate forest fires in Manavgat, where our lungs burned," he continued: "While we were thinking about what we can do in this process where we are all very sad and our morale is upset, Feryal Gülman said ' How about we organize a charity trip to Manavgat?' said. We were very excited and while thinking about how we can develop the project, Haluk Levent came to my mind. Monik İpekel brought us together with the Dude Platform over a phone call. To Haluk Levent, 'Can you do a concert to support families?' we asked. After thinking for a minute or two, Mr. Haluk said, 'Yes, I will do this concert, I am even doing a tour to accompany the Aleksandrov Red Army Choir as a soloist. On one night of the tour, we can do a charity concert in Manavgat together with Ahbap. This is how it all started and developed. It is a very exciting process for us. Thanks to our Manavgat Mayor, he sponsored us. As Miramare Hotels, we are the accommodation sponsor of the Aleksandrov Red Army Choir. We are both the organizer and the sponsor of the project. We hope that it will be a night where the people of Manavgat will be helped and everyone's morale will rise. It is very important for people who have been hurt by the fire to know that we are with them. Thank you very much to everyone involved.”

Haluk Levent on Stage with the Republic Marches

Haluk Levent, who will sing the anthems of the Republic by performing a historical concert with the Russian Alexandrov Red Army Choir at the concert to be held at the Manavgat Atatürk Stadium, explains that they are waiting for all the people of Manavgat and everyone who can come to the concert: I will meet you with the Red Army Choir. Besides the performances of the Russian Red Army Choir, I will also sing the anthems of the Republic. You will leave here with very good feelings and fun. All proceeds of the concert will go to families in need who were damaged in the Manavgat fire. This income will be used for them. We look forward to seeing you all at our concert.”

“Life is Better When Shared!”

Saffet Emre Tonguç, who will take the guests on a historical journey in Side with his colorful narration at the event to be held in Manavgat, states that everyone participated in the project on a voluntary basis in order to collect as much aid as possible while organizing the event and invites everyone to rediscover Side: We will embark on a journey through history in this town, which I find beautiful as well. The next day, after resting for a while at our hotel and enjoying the sun and the sea, we will watch Haluk Levent's concert with the Russian Red Army in the evening and remember the power of unity again. For those living in Antalya or those who were there at that time, I recommend the concert to be held at Manavgat Atatürk Stadium. support by purchasing a ticket. Let's heal the wounds together because 'Life is beautiful when shared!'”