Winter Diseases in Children Knocked on the Door Early

winter diseases in children knocked on the door early
winter diseases in children knocked on the door early

These days, as we move from the scorching heat of summer to the cool and rainy weather of autumn, there is an increase in upper respiratory tract infections as schools are opened and time is spent indoors. Acıbadem Altunizade Hospital Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist Assoc. Dr. Serdar Baylançiçek said, “Recently, there have been many applications to clinics due to upper respiratory tract infections such as colds, flu and pharyngitis. This condition, which is especially common among children, can also be transmitted to adults in close contact.

We started to see upper respiratory tract diseases, which are common in winter, starting from the middle of summer, with the effect of close contact with their environment and intense air conditioning use, with the normalization of the children who have been isolated for a long time due to the pandemic. Stating that the main symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, such as runny nose, nasal congestion, fever, cough, sneezing, headache, post-nasal drip, burning-pain in the throat, watering in the eyes, muscle pain, weakness, loss of appetite, are similar to Covid-19 symptoms, families may panic. Assoc. Dr. Serdar Baylançiçek said, “Upper respiratory tract infections such as influenza and pharyngitis can cause fever attacks that last for a few days in children. With the opening of schools, the frequency of these diseases is expected to increase. However, with simple precautions to be taken, these infections can be prevented and epidemics can be prevented. ENT Specialist Assoc. Dr. Serdar Baylançiçek explained the simple but effective measures to be taken for school children during the pandemic process, and made important warnings and suggestions.

1. Ventilate the environment regularly

In this group of diseases caused by viruses, transmission occurs by close contact. Particles dispersed by sneezing and coughing remain suspended in the air for a long time and are easily transmitted to other individuals passing by. Especially closed environments with insufficient ventilation and schools with the most close contact are the main reasons for the more frequent occurrence of these infections in the winter months. A person who has an upper respiratory tract infection in crowded places such as public transport, school, shopping center can easily spread the viruses to the environment and infect other healthy individuals. For this reason, the spread of upper respiratory tract infections can be prevented by simple measures such as paying attention to good ventilation and paying attention to cleanliness, especially in such places.

2. Gaining the habit of hand washing

Washing hands or cleaning with disinfectant significantly reduces the transmission of both Covid-19 and upper respiratory tract infections. Children's parents and teachers should give them the habit of washing their hands regularly and explain that they should not rub their hands, especially in the mouth and eyes.

3. Not sharing pens, glasses etc.

Frequently touched surfaces such as door-window handles, telephone and desk should be disinfected regularly, and hands should be washed after contact. It is very important not to share items such as pens, glasses, towels. Not putting school supplies such as pencils and erasers into the mouth is also effective in preventing the transmission of infections.

4. Using a mask

Assoc. Dr. Serdar Baylançiçek said, “It is very important to wear a mask, not to kiss anyone else, and not to use the same forks and spoons as anyone else, in order to be protected from Covid-19 infection. Masks, which must be worn during the lesson in the classroom, should also be worn during breaks.

5. Not sending the sick child to school

It is imperative that parents do not send their children with upper respiratory tract infection symptoms to school, make them rest at home, and take them to the doctor if necessary, in order to prevent the spread of the infection and spread it to others. If your child or you have symptoms similar to Covid-19 symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, fever, cough, sneezing, headache, post-nasal drip, burning-pain in the throat, watery eyes, muscle aches, weakness, loss of appetite, which are the main symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. If you are alive, you should consult your doctor without panicking. Get tested for Covid-19 if your doctor deems it necessary.

6. To provide balanced and regular nutrition

In order not to weaken the immune system, it is necessary to pay attention to a regular and balanced diet. Avoiding a one-way diet and consuming plenty of vegetables and fruits is very important for body resistance.

7. Ensuring sleep patterns

Scientific studies reveal that adequate and quality sleep is of great importance in strengthening the immune system. Children should go to bed and wake up at the same time, the room they sleep in should be suitable for sleep quality, the night light should not be on in their room, and they should stay away from their mobile phones before going to sleep.

8. Not to delay vaccinations

Assoc. Dr. Serdar Baylançiçek said, “It is very important for the majority of the society to be vaccinated and to create immunity, especially to overcome the Covid-19 infection mildly and to prevent hospitalizations. In addition, it is recommended that people with chronic diseases and immune system disorders be vaccinated for the influenza virus. In our country, the age of vaccination has decreased to 12, but some families are undecided about getting their children vaccinated. However, while providing a high level of protection against the virus with current vaccines, no serious side effects are observed.

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