Families Should Approach with Empathy in Adapting to School

Families should approach with empathy in adapting to school
Families should approach with empathy in adapting to school

Children may experience adaptation problems in the transition from the comfortable environment on vacation to the school environment with discipline and rules. Stating that families should talk to their children and listen to their problems, experts recommend that the process of producing solutions for existing problems be managed together and approached with empathy. Experts state that children can get used to school more quickly thanks to the orientation programs and the active activities of the guidance units.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Seda Aydoğdu from Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center gave very important advice to parents so that their children do not experience adaptation and adaptation problems to school in the new education period.

The transition to a disciplined environment can create a compliance problem.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Seda Aydoğdu stated that when children return to the school environment after a long hiatus, families and teachers may encounter different problems, “The child's transition from the comfort of staying in his own home for a long time to a more disciplined and regulated environment such as school can cause adjustment problems. Some behaviors can be observed, such as not listening to lectures, not following class rules, not doing homework or refusing to come to school.” he said.

Children's problems should be solved as a family

Aydogdu; He said that first of all, families should communicate with their children and take an attitude towards understanding if they have anxieties, worries or fears, and continued his words as follows:

“Families should manage the process of producing solutions for the child's existing problem together and make them feel that they are with their children at every stage. If there are concerns accompanying thoughts such as virus contamination in children or 'I can get a germ and get sick', what can be done about the hygiene rules, in which cases there is a possibility of contracting the virus and possible contamination should be discussed in stages.

The child needs to feel safe

The important point here is that the possibilities are always evaluated realistically and the established scenarios always end well. The child needs to feel safe in this process. The family should show that their child will be safe and that they can maintain this with simple measures that they can implement. As the child's preparation for returning to his old life and re-entering larger groups may increase his anxiety, it will be important for him to stay away from dialogues that may negatively affect him and increase his anxiety, especially lately.

Important factor in ensuring school adaptation

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Seda Aydoğdu, who emphasized that one of the most important factors that will help children to adapt in a short time, is the school itself, and said, “The school's being a guide, understanding the children's anxieties and displaying an attitude to support them will greatly benefit the children's adaptation to school in a short time. With the resumption of face-to-face education, the restructuring of the orientation program and the active activities of the guidance unit equivalent to academic education in the first weeks will also enable children to get used to it more quickly.” he said.

Parents should approach their children with empathy

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Seda Aydoğdu, who stated that parents should talk to their children and create the ground for them to express themselves, said, “They should express empathy-filled sentences that they understand the child's distress through their expressions. The child should be able to feel understood and safe by the family. Parents should support their children so that they can have this feeling.” said.

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