Kayseri Talas Ali Mountain Funicular Line Project Pre-Qualification Tender Held

historical step in ali mountain funicular line project
historical step in ali mountain funicular line project

Talas Municipality took an important step in the Ali Mountain Funicular Line Project, which is closely related not only to Talas but also to the whole of Kayseri, and realized the prequalification tender.

Making statements before the tender, which was held with the participation of 10 domestic and foreign companies, Talas Mayor Mustafa Yalçın pointed out that a 30-year-old dream is about to become a reality, and said, “Ali Mountain is an important value for Kayseri. In order to make the most of this value, approximately 1.300 m. We will set up a funicular line of length. Today we are carrying out the first leg of our tender. We have 10 participating companies, each company has its own references and competencies. Thank you to our companies. May it be beneficial to our city, Ali Mountain and Talas.”


President Yalçın, who also gave information about the project in his statement, pointed out that a budget of 100 million TL was planned within the framework of the Ali Mountain Master Plan and said, “Ali Mountain is one of the most important paragliding venues in Turkey. Here we organize world-class air sports competitions. In this respect, the Ali Mountain Funicular Line will be a project that will support civil aviation and international air sports. It will also serve nature lovers, mountaineering and extreme sports enthusiasts. Mount Ali Master Plan, with its facilities, facilities and activities, will be a first in Turkey and will add a lot to Kayseri. We plan to implement all the projects in the Ali Mountain general master plan with a budget of 100 million liras.” he said.

After the announcement of Chairman Yalçın, the envelopes submitted by the companies participating in the tender were opened and the qualification documents were determined.

It will be determined after the evaluation of the tender commission whether the firms participating in the tender, which is held according to Article 4734/E of the Public Procurement Law No. 21, are qualified or not.


It has a length of about 1.300 m and even 1.261 m. 1.766 m from its elevation. up to 505 m. height will be output. There will be 46 stations, the lower station, the upper station, and the 360-degree walkway intermediate station, on the line that will extend with an average of 3% incline. With the cabins with a capacity of 60 people, 1.200 passengers can be transported per hour. 20 and 120 m on the line. Two bridges will be built in length. There will also be social facilities for eating and drinking and various sports and entertainment activities at the stations.