Konak Barrier-Free Living Village Continues to Be the Hope of Special Children

mansion unhindered life cove continues to be the hope of special children
mansion unhindered life cove continues to be the hope of special children

Konak Municipality Barrier-Free Living Village continues to be the hope of special children. Now, Little Rabia has taken her first steps in the Village of Life Without Barriers, where Ege with Down Syndrome has learned to walk. Mayor Batur, who started the preparations for the Barrier-Free Life Village as soon as he took office and brought it to the city in a short time, said, “We have done a lot of work in two years. But if you ask me what is the job you are most satisfied with; Here it is, to provide services to our children, to make positive discrimination for them, to contribute to their education and their lives.”

Another story was written in the Konak Municipality Barrier-Free Life Village, which was established by Izmir Konak Municipality in the Tepecik region and provides free services to special children, that removes barriers. The budding sprouts of hope, first budding with 3-year-old Ege with Down Syndrome, now continue to sprout with 2-year-old Rabia. Miracles come true in the Village of Life Without Barriers, which was established upon the instruction of Konak Mayor Abdul Batur as soon as he took office.

Batur: This place has become a lively Barrier-Free Living Village

As the Mayor of Batur, our happiest service is our Barrier-Free Life Bay.

The architect of Konak Municipality Barrier-Free Life Village, which was established on an eleven-decare land and started to serve with a capacity of approximately 400 people in the first place, and offers additional support to social life with the Little Mansion and evening care service, Konak Mayor Abdul Batur, whose work makes the center the happiest. described as. Expressing that he is proud of the Barrier-Free Living Village, where little Ege and Rabia took their first steps, creating awareness and increasing hope for the future with the Autism Festival, Mayor Batur said, “Here, watching our children's development is one of the services that gives the most happiness to a mayor. grain. We built wooden houses, cafeterias, educational workshops, art classes for them. There will also be orchards and animal shelters. This place has become a lively Barrier-Free Living Village. Together we said, "Mansion," and set off. One of the best examples of this understanding was our Barrier-Free Living Village. This is a job that requires a lot of effort. Individual education means connecting our children to life, one-on-one, patiently. I am so happy with our Barrier-Free Life Village service… We have done a lot of work in two years. But if you ask me what is the job you are most satisfied with; Here is to provide services to our children, to make positive discrimination for them, to contribute to their education and their lives. When our little Ege came here, she couldn't walk. Here he learned to walk in a short time with individual training. Our Rabia is getting involved in life step by step here, and it makes us happy to see that she is a happier child every day.”

Ege took its first steps in the Village of Life Without Barriers

Ege first learned to crawl and then to walk.

The life of Ege with Down Syndrome, who opened his eyes as a special child for life, changed in the Village of Life Without Barriers, which was established by the Konak Municipality together with the Foundation for the Protection and Education of Persons with Disabilities (EBKOV). Ege, who was brought to the Village of Life Without Barriers when his mother was eighteen months old, could not walk or even crawl, he was moving by sitting on his hips and trying to pull himself forward. Ege's crawling and walking were delayed due to the soft tone of muscles and loose joints of individuals with Down Syndrome. Ege, who received individual training and physiotherapy at the Barrier-Free Life Village, first learned to crawl and then to walk. Ege, who also established a special bond with Konak Mayor Abdul Batur, is now running to his Uncle Mayor instead of walking.

Another miracle child, “Rabia”

Another miracle child Rabia

Rabia, 2 years old, who is one of the special children who opened her eyes to life with Down Syndrome, left behind her second month at Konak Municipality Barrier-Free Living Village. Rabia, who had difficulty walking alone at first, did not want to participate in games and had very limited communication with people, became a happy child who can walk alone and has strong communication with other people thanks to individual special education and physiotherapy. Seeing Konak Mayor Abdul Batur, who visited the center during her education, in front of her, little Rabia ran and hugged her Uncle Mayor. Seeing that Rabia, who was able to walk with support when she started physiotherapy and education in the Village for Life without Barriers, became a child running and playing in a short time, moved the guests who visited the center together with Mayor Batur. Rabia, who did not want to get off the lap of President Batur, toured the Barrier-Free Living Village with him. The fact that Rabia, who had difficulties in communicating two months ago, smiled to those around her and responded to the good words spoken with applause, once again revealed the miracle experienced in the Village of Life without Barriers.

Services in Konak Municipality Barrier-Free Life Village

In the Konak Municipality Barrier-Free Life Village Special Education and Rehabilitation Center, which is established on an area of ​​0 decares, children with disabilities and developmentally at risk, primarily 6-7 years old, are included in the Physical Therapy Rehabilitation program, as well as providing services for themselves and their families. service is provided. Among the units within the center is the Risky Baby Counseling Unit to provide Early Physiotherapy support and Early Intervention Support for Risky Babies. The center, which has an experienced and expert child physiotherapist, child development specialist and psychologist staff, also offers support education, supplementary education and intensive training programs for 12-12 and 18-18 age groups. On the other hand, within the scope of the "Keep Life" project, occupational therapy and hobby workshops are held in order to ensure the participation of adults over the age of XNUMX in life. In the center, trainings are provided to support the family as well as the disabled individual. Wooden Houses Training Workshops in the Village of Life Without Barriers; Visual Arts, Music, Ceramics Workshops; There is a Computer Class, a Sales Kiosk, and a Cafeteria. An “Eco Farm” will also be established, consisting of Sustainable Energy Resources, Orchards, Pet Shelters, Livestock Raising Area, Organic Farming Areas, Flower Beds and Cultural Gardens. In addition, evening care services will be provided at the center, which aims to enable the families of disabled individuals to be included in social life.

The pandemic could not prevent it either.

The Konak Municipality Barrier-Free Life Village project did not slow down despite the pandemic and was implemented in a very short time. In the center, which implemented its programs in line with their needs without interrupting their communication with their families to the extent permitted by the pandemic restrictions, online service was provided to families during the restrictions. The children had the opportunity to do the activities they could do at home with their families without interruption during the restrictions.

This “Mansion” is special for the little ones.

During the pandemic process, 2 Minis Mansions in the center were also completed. The Minikler Mansion project, which will be a pre-school education home, aims to prepare the children in the Tepecik region, which is especially disadvantaged in starting and continuing education, for education life, to make education continuous and to be at peace with school. Children with special needs, another disadvantaged group, will also be able to benefit from “effective inclusion” practices here. With the Minikler Mansion project, children will not only take their first steps in pre-school education and education life, but also grow up in an environment where the human rights of all individuals are protected and kept alive.

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