Citizens were warned by informing that the line between Atatürk-Museum stops, the construction of which was completed within the scope of the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality 3rd Stage Rail System Project, will be energized for the test on Saturday, July 3rd.
Antalya Metropolitan Municipality 3rd Stage Rail System Project is coming to an end in stages. In the statement made by the Transportation Planning and Rail System Department, it was stated that the pre-control tests of the line structures, catenary and signaling systems, whose production was completed between Atatürk-Museum stops, will be carried out on Saturday, July 3, within the scope of Antalya 2nd Stage Rail System Lines Construction Work. For this reason, it was noted that the catenary system will be energized along the entire route of the 3rd Stage Rail System between Varsak and Museum, and citizens were asked to be careful along the line route in terms of life and property safety and to comply with all kinds of signs and directions.