Message from Büyükkılıç on 3 July World Machinists' Day

july world machinists day message from bigkilic
july world machinists day message from bigkilic

President Büyükkılıç held a consultation meeting with the transportation staff and celebrated the World Machinists' Day of all mechanics.

Metropolitan Mayor Dr. Memduh Büyükkılıç, in order to maintain a quality service understanding in transportation as in every field, Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Inc. held a consultation meeting with President Büyükkılıç also celebrated the 3 July World Machinists' Day of the machinists and said, “Their sensitivity, their efforts, of course, will give the opportunity to make the least mistakes in terms of transportation. I hope that it is our ideal to provide a transportation service where no mistakes are made.

Metropolitan Mayor Dr. Memduh Büyükkılıç held a consultation meeting for the projects to be carried out by the Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Inc. and the services to be made from now on. In addition to Chairman Büyükkılıç, Secretary General Hüseyin Beyhan, Deputy Secretary General Bayar Özsoy, Transportation A.Ş. Bureaucrats related to General Manager Feyzullah Gündoğdu attended.

In the meeting held at the Metropolitan Municipality Presidential Meeting Hall, the services provided in the field of transportation were evaluated and investments were discussed.


President Büyükkılıç also celebrated the 3rd of July Engine Drivers' Day, emphasizing that they are aware of the fact that the drivers in the transportation unit are much more important.

Büyükkılıç gave the following statements in his message for the World Machinists' Day:

“On the occasion of July 3, World Machinists' Day, I congratulate all our machinist brothers, colleagues and friends on the Machinist's Day, the transportation unit in particular, those working in our municipality in general, and all machinists in Turkey. However, we are aware that the drivers in our transportation unit are much more important. Their sensitivity, their effort, of course, will give the opportunity to make the least mistakes in terms of transportation. I hope that it is our ideal to provide transportation service where no mistakes are made. In this respect, we care about our colleagues very much. Congratulations on your day. We wish healthy, peaceful and many more beautiful days. But we do not fit our love and affection towards them in just one day. We love and pray for them always. They show the necessary sensitivity and sensitivity. I thank them.”