What is the Greenhouse Effect and What are the Consequences?

what is the greenhouse effect and what are the consequences
what is the greenhouse effect and what are the consequences

Our world has been operating with a tremendous balance since its existence. While the world maintains this balance, many factors actually come into play. Although most people think that the sun's rays directly heat the earth, the system does not work exactly that way. While some of the rays coming from the sun are reflected by the cooperation of the clouds and the earth, some of them are held by the gases in the atmosphere. In other words, the world is warming thanks to this light energy. In addition to direct solar energy, the eclipse of the sun is also of great importance for the flawless functioning of the ecosystem.

Disruption of this balance; It causes concepts such as global warming, greenhouse effect and ozone layer to enter our lives. As İşbank's blog, in this article, we discussed the greenhouse effect and the threats posed by the greenhouse effect for our world.

What is the Greenhouse Effect?

The earth is warmed by the earth's reflection of the rays from the sun rather than the sun's rays. The rays reflected from the earth are held by other gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane gas. The retention of the rays reflected from the sun by the gases on the earth is called the greenhouse effect.

The increase in gases as a result of the effect of man on nature brings with it the problem of keeping the sun's rays more. Factors such as the increase in carbon dioxide gas, the thinning and perforation of the ozone layer that surrounds the world cause overheating in the air. This causes global warming. Global warming and the global water problem are among the issues that have been on the agenda quite frequently in recent years and that require urgent measures.​ ​

Global warming is the periodic warming of the atmosphere by the greenhouse effect, and it is a natural process. As a result of human activities, the effect is getting more and more due to the increase in the inputs of gases, especially gases. According to the UN Environment Report announced in Geneva on 16.02.2001, in the 21st century, the average air temperature will increase between 1.4 °C and 5.3 °C, the seas will rise by 8–88 cm with the melting of the glaciers, and irreversible changes in the physical structure of the world in the long run. In the African continent, the agricultural yield will decrease, the average annual precipitation will decrease, there will be water shortages, in the Asian continent, high temperatures, floods and soil degradation in the arid and tropical regions, an increase in the agricultural yield in the northern regions, tropical hurricanes will increase, in the European continent, Southern regions will become prone to drought, half of the Alpine glaciers will disappear by the end of the 21st century and agricultural yield will decrease, while agricultural yield will increase in Northern Europe, drought will occur in Latin America, floods will be repeated very frequently, agricultural yield will decrease, malaria and cholera will be increased. will increase, agricultural yields will increase in North America, especially Fl In the North and Atlantic coasts, the sea level will rise, big waves will form and floods will be seen, diseases such as malaria and fever will increase, the death rate will increase with the increase in temperature and humidity, the glaciers will melt in the polar regions, the number and distribution of plant and animal species will be affected, and the sea level will be affected by the melting of the glaciers. As the level will rise by 0.5 cm every year, predictions are made that coral reefs will be damaged in the next 100 years, many small islands and coastal cities will be submerged in water, and it is revealed that the world is on its way to a future full of unknowns. It is stated that in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which is the most effective gas on global warming, by 5%, all countries have to implement new industrial policies that do not affect the nature.

Consequences of the Greenhouse Effect

The biggest reason for the greenhouse effect is the use of fossil fuels. In recent years, intensive awareness studies have been carried out on this issue and the use of sustainable energy sources has been encouraged, but the use of fossil fuels is substantial.
Carbon dioxide gas emitted from factory chimneys and car exhausts, the destruction of forests and thus the decrease in oxygen production, deodorants and perfumes used can be shown among the main reasons that increase the greenhouse gas effect.
We can say that the results of the greenhouse effect can cause a kind of global warming. If the greenhouse effect continues to increase, we can list some of the dangers waiting for our world as follows:

  • Glaciers may continue to melt faster and faster. This can cause coastal areas to be flooded.
  • Landslides increase especially in coastal areas.
  • The melting of the poles will mean the rising of the oceans.
  • While drought and desertification occur, hurricanes and floods occur.
  • The balance of the seasons is disturbed. Winter months can be hot. Spring comes earlier, autumn comes late.
  • Migration calendars of animals are mixed. Animals that cannot predict their weather conditions may have difficulty calculating their migration times. This will put the living species in danger of extinction.
  • An increase in temperatures causes a decrease in water resources. Water resources begin to decrease rapidly and dry up.
  • Temperature increases can cause large-scale fires.
  • Climate changes directly affect human health. Increases can be observed in many different diseases such as respiratory, heart, allergies.

In order to prevent greenhouse gas emissions, measures such as installing filters in the chimneys of industrial facilities, preferring sustainable heating methods instead of high-calorie coal to heat homes, recycling wastes as much as possible instead of being garbage, and periodically carrying out exhaust emission measurements of vehicles can be taken.

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