Attention! Don't Say 'I Have Fibroids, I Can't Get Pregnant'

I have fibroids, don't say you can't get pregnant
I have fibroids, don't say you can't get pregnant

Gynecological Oncology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Gökhan Boyraz gave information about myoma surgery performed without removing the uterus.

40 in 3 women over the age of 1 have fibroids

Fibroids are benign tumors originating from the smooth muscle cells that make up the uterus and are the most common tumors in the pelvis in women. Fibroids are found in one out of 40 women over the age of 3. Fibroids, which do not always show symptoms, can cause some symptoms, especially when they are large. These symptoms can be listed as follows:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding (frequent and irregular menstruation)
  • Increased amount of menstruation and longer than normal menstruation
  • Groin pain
  • pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pregnancy-related problems and miscarriage
  • Frequent urination due to pressure on the bladder, difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence
  • Constipation and difficulty in defecation due to compression on the large intestine.

Do not delay your complaints

Fibroids that do not cause complaints are usually detected in routine gynecological examinations. Since fibroids that do not cause a complaint may have a small risk of transformation into cancer (sarcoma), regular follow-up is important in terms of size. If there is a rapid increase in size in fibroids in routine follow-ups, if there is a situation that causes various complaints, treatment is required. Since there is no effective drug treatment for fibroids, surgical methods are used, but surgical methods can cause concern especially in young women who have never had a child. In general, the perception that the uterus will be damaged after uterine fibroid surgeries and therefore it is not possible to get pregnant is dominant in women.

Less pain, faster recovery in laparoscopic method

In the abdomen, fibroid surgery is possible without large incisions and scars. In the treatment of myoma, myomectomy with laparoscopic surgery (closed method) should be the first choice when appropriate. With laparoscopic myomectomy surgery, there are less adhesions in the abdomen, less postoperative pain, faster recovery and no large scars on the abdomen.

uterine-sparing surgery

Today, very large fibroids are seen in women who are quite young and want to have children in the future. The biggest fear of these patients is damage to their uterus. The most frequently asked questions by patients are 'is it necessary to remove the uterus for uterine fibroids?', 'Is it harmful to the uterus?' may form. Damage to the uterus or removal of the uterus during fibroid removal also destroys young patients' dreams of becoming a mother in the future. It is not necessary to remove the uterus for the treatment of fibroids. There is no problem in getting pregnant after a uterine fibroid surgery without damaging the uterus. Therefore, surgical experience is very important in myoma surgeries. The experience of the surgeon performing myoma surgery is of great importance for less bleeding and protection of the uterus.

Normal birth can also be done

In myoma-preserving surgery, the number of fibroids, fibroid sizes, the region where the fibroid is located on the uterine wall should be thoroughly evaluated and surgery should be planned accordingly. In experienced hands, it is possible to remove fibroids by preserving the uterus with a good preoperative evaluation. After a successful myoma surgery, no complications are expected in terms of pregnancy, only women who have undergone surgery are recommended to wait between 3 and 6 months after surgery. During this time, the uterus and uterine wall become stronger; gets enough resistance. Cesarean delivery is generally preferred after myomectomy surgery, but there is no problem in terms of normal birth in cases that do not damage the uterine wall such as extrauterine fibroids.

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