Sudden Hearing Loss Is Not Neglected

sudden hearing loss is not negligible
sudden hearing loss is not negligible

In the coronavirus pandemic, which has deeply affected our daily life for the last year, we can delay going to the hospital by ignoring some of our health problems. Just like sudden hearing losses… However, sudden hearing loss, which we think "will pass anyway", can cause permanent damage if it is not treated early.

Acıbadem Dr. Sinasi Can (KadıköyHospital Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş says, "If you have a sudden loss of hearing, roaring or tinnitus in your ear in a very short time, you should consult a doctor before 24 hours after the onset of the complaint." ENT Specialist Prof. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş made important warnings and suggestions for sudden hearing loss.

When you are talking on the phone, you suddenly start not to hear the other person, or the sound of the television disappears and you are left alone with the images ... When you suddenly but for a very short time your hearing loss spontaneously resolves and starts to hear again, you look at it as 'a temporary problem, now it is not worth going to the hospital during this pandemic process, it has improved somehow' ... But you are doing it wrong! In addition to reducing the quality of life, sudden hearing loss, which is an important health problem, must be taken into account. Acıbadem Dr. Şinasi Can (KadıköyHospital Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş states that although it can be seen at any age, sudden hearing loss, which usually occurs in women and men in their 40s, will not be neglected. Emphasizing that the earlier the treatment of sudden hearing loss is started, the more successful it will be and the satisfactory results will be obtained. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş says, "If you have a sudden loss of hearing, roaring and tinnitus in your ears in a very short time, it is necessary to consult a doctor before twenty-four hours after the onset of the complaint."

If these symptoms accompany!

Hearing is one of our five basic senses; It is a very important part of our daily life physically, socially and socially. A possible negligence in hearing, which is also of great importance in terms of the quality of life of the person, also significantly affects the treatment. Prof. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş caused sudden hearing loss in three consecutive sound frequencies in less than three days; Emphasizing that if complaints such as tinnitus, dizziness, nausea and vomiting accompany the complaints, it should not be wasted time and says: “Delaying the time significantly limits the operation and the success rate. Sudden hearing loss and humming started in a very short time, perhaps just while the patient was reading his newspaper. The accompanying severe dizziness should often be conspicuous. Especially if this complaint occurred during movements such as a blow to the ear, straining, lifting, it will be more meaningful. “Prof. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş said, “Without wasting time, hospital application and effective evaluation, followed by a surgical approach are very important. Naturally, I do not recommend surgery to patients with sudden hearing loss that comes with every dizziness. With the positive results of the fistula research methods, we gained significant (sometimes almost complete) gain in hearing; On the other hand, we have often witnessed the vertigo recovered even when the patient came out of the operation and was in the recovery phase. " says.