Make Your Breakfast For A Healthy Heart!

Make sure to have your breakfast for a healthy heart
Make sure to have your breakfast for a healthy heart

Head of Cardiology Department of Near East University Hospital Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu gave information that people who do not eat breakfast or who pass their breakfast meal have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and that deaths related to these diseases are frequent. Referring to the work done by a very respected medical journal in America, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that the magazine conducted a study consisting of approximately seven thousand people and the importance of routine breakfast was emphasized in this study. At the same time, as a result of the study, he stated that deaths due to cardiovascular diseases are common in people who pass their breakfast meal or do not, and that cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death all over the world.

Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu: "Cardiovascular diseases are among the most common causes of death in the world"
Stating that especially in order to prevent cardiovascular disease that can be experienced in advanced ages, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that detailed information about diet and lifestyle was given in these publications. Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu continued his speech as follows: “Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death all over the world. To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to follow a regular diet program. Accordingly, in the publications made by the associations in America and Europe, a diet rich in seafood, a diet rich in olive oil, vegetables and fruits, which we call the Mediterranean diet, is recommended, while at least three or five times a week. It is recommended to exercise regularly for half an hour on average.

The number of people skipping breakfast is increasing

Stating that the number of people skipping breakfast is increasing day by day, especially in the young population due to the daily work pace, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that this rate is 23.08% for people who do not have breakfast according to American data. In previous studies, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu continued his speech as follows: “In addition, breakfast has positive effects such as increasing efficiency in business life by preventing loss of concentration by regulating blood sugar. The last study has been conducted with a very large population and supports this information. Skipping breakfast meals, especially between the ages of forty and seventy-five, increases death due to cardiovascular occlusion. In addition to diet and exercise recommendations, attention should also be paid to nutritional meals. "

Providing information on why skipping breakfast increases the risk of heart disease, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that the high cortisol level in the blood, which is harmful in the morning, can be prevented by breakfast. Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu continued his words as follows: “In this way, high blood pressure and blood clotting level decrease. In addition, lunch is consumed less and obesity is prevented. Finally, the stress level of the person decreases with the success achieved in business life. "

Ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases

Providing information about the protection methods of individuals at risk of cardiovascular diseases, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that people should stay away from cigarette smoke, gain healthy eating habits and exercise regularly every day. In addition to these, Professor said that people should not gain weight. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that the ideal weight should be maintained. Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu continued his words as follows: “In order to avoid cardiovascular diseases, care should be taken not to increase blood pressure. Extra salt should be avoided and attention should be paid to high levels of malignant cholesterol. Blood sugar control must be ensured. Care should be taken to sleep an average of seven hours a day and avoid stressful life. Efforts should be made to be optimistic and avoid excessive alcohol consumption. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid places with polluted air as much as possible.

Healthy eating recommendations

Providing recommendations for healthy individuals regarding nutrition and lifestyle, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that people should consume skim milk and dairy products and at the same time fish should be consumed at least once or twice a week. Stating that more foods such as white meat, chicken and turkey should be consumed, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that lean veal or mutton should be consumed as boiled or grilled. Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu continued his words as follows: “Avoid fats, do not skip breakfast, be careful to consume plenty of pulp. Examples of these pulp foods include cereal, oatmeal, wholemeal breads, bulgur and legumes. Pass snacks with vegetables and fruits, never eat before going to bed, avoid excessive alcohol, stay away from smoking and stress, and exercise for at least half an hour five days a week to stay at the ideal weight. "

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