How Can Diabetic Foot Injury Be Prevented?

how to prevent a diabetic foot wound
how to prevent a diabetic foot wound

With diabetes, the blood sugar in the body begins to be above the normal level. When the disease cannot be treated or blood sugar cannot be controlled, it can affect the capillaries and cause dysfunction in the nerves and vessels.

Up to 20% of diabetic patients (ie 5 in 1 patients) have foot wounds that occur in a certain period. These wounds may not heal easily and result in the loss of the foot or leg if left untreated. Diseases such as shoe hitting or nail ache that can easily heal in people without diabetes can turn into foot wounds in patients with diabetes. This situation makes the life of patients very difficult. If patients have problems such as burning, loss of sensation, numbness, dryness and heel cracking in their feet, there may be a risk of diabetic foot wounds. Necessary precautions should be taken to prevent this situation from causing bigger health problems.

Diabetes is known as diabetes, irregular blood sugar or blood sugar disorder. It is caused by inadequate or absent insulin hormone production in the pancreas for some reason, or by insensitivity of body tissues to insulin, or both. If blood sugar falls below the normal level, it is called "hypoglycemia", and an increase above it is called "hyperglycemia". The blood sugar level that should be in a healthy person is in the range of 70-99 mg / dl.

Some damage may occur in the body due to diabetes. This disease can cause damage to internal organs as well as cause wound formation on the skin. Diabetic foot wounds are the most common of these types of wounds. Diabetic foot sores can turn into open wounds over time. If left untreated, it can become infected and become a serious health problem. It is also very difficult to recover.

Like hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia is also risky. The decrease in blood sugar causes the cells not to be fed adequately. Cells that lack nutrients cannot meet their energy needs. Cells whose functions are impaired can cause tissue and organ damage. In such a situation, the organs most damaged are the eyes, kidneys and heart.

Since diabetes causes nerve impairment, numbness may occur in the feet. Since the sensory function decreases, the risk of injury increases. Even a small injury to the foot of an individual with diabetes can turn into a diabetic foot wound that is very difficult to heal. Apart from this, cracks and rashes may also occur on the skin of the feet. Germs that get into the damaged skin can cause infection and sores can occur.

Especially in bedridden diabetic patients, wounds may occur in a very short time due to the pressure on the heels. In order to prevent this, both the air mattress to reduce the pressure and positioning pads can be used to prevent the heels from touching the mattress.

It is easier to prevent the formation of diabetic foot sores than to try to heal after it occurs. Medical devices, modern wound care products and therapeutic creams recommended by physicians can be used in the treatment of wounds.

What Can Be Done To Prevent Diabetic Foot Injuries?

Preventing diabetic foot sores is difficult but not impossible. The precaution to be taken as a priority is to adopt a healthy eating culture, which everyone should do, as a standard of living. It is also important to keep blood sugar within the standard range. In order to keep blood sugar at the desired level, it is necessary to exercise regularly and to adopt a lively lifestyle, apart from health nutrition. In addition, the medications given by the physician should be used regularly without interruption. In diabetes, lifestyle should be arranged in accordance with the disease. Therefore, everything done should be suitable for diabetes.

Regular exercise increases blood flow. However, standing for a long time can damage the tissues under the feet. While exercising, maximum sensitivity should be exercised against this risk. Shoes that are used both during exercise and in daily life should also be chosen correctly. A good quality shoe of the right size can prevent the skin of the feet from fraying. Since there will be widening in the veins, especially during exercise, shoes that tighten the feet should be avoided. You should not go out with bare feet as there is a possibility of damage to the feet. In addition, slippers and sandals should not be used. Cloth or leather shoes can be preferred.

People with diabetes should regularly care for their feet. The importance given to personal hygiene should also apply to the feet and attention should be paid to foot cleaning. If foot cleaning is done with soap, it must be thoroughly rinsed and dried with a towel, otherwise it may cause fungus formation. Moisturizing creams can be used for the dryness problem that will occur after washing. Moisturizers can be used not only after washing but also when needed daily. Stockings should be changed every day. Care should be taken to use cotton socks. In order not to affect blood flow and damage the veins, socks that do not tighten the ankles can be preferred. By soaking in warm water at least once a week, the tissues on the feet can also be softened. In addition, it should be checked every day and checked if there is any disturbing situation.

If there are calloused tissues on the feet, they should never be cut. Nails, on the other hand, should be cut in a way that does not pose the risk of sticking to the skin after washing. Diabetes patients may experience numbness due to damage to the nerves. Because of this numbness, hitting, hitting, cutting or something may not be felt by the person. A minor injury can cause serious problems. For this reason, feet should be checked frequently. A physician should be consulted for the slightest damage to the foot tissues.

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