What Sports Should Children Do At What Age?

What sport should children do at what age
What sport should children do at what age

In order to be healthy and stay healthy, one of the most necessary and important activities for all of us from 7 to 70 is to do sports. Well, what sport at what age? This question is answered by Istanbul Rumeli University Sport Sciences Faculty Recreation Department Research Assistant Ayşenur Kurt.

Sports awareness needs to be instilled in families and children

'' Sport is an important concept not only for physical health but also for holistic health development. Children who play sports develop their experiences, creativity and gain a sense of responsibility. It also contributes to self-development by gaining social behaviors such as helping and cooperating, showing respect to friends, family and people around them. However, today, prior to the specialization period in sports, the emphasis is on activities that have the ambition to gain the place of sports practices that children should do with pleasure and entertainment and that damage their development as a result of overload. At this point, it is necessary to instill movement education and sports awareness, which should be done consciously, especially in the preschool period, to families and children. Otherwise, it will cause the child to move away from the sports branch and the early end of the sports life as a result of the early specialization in the branch. ''

Physical activities should be done at all ages.

Saying that children should be engaged in physical activity at all ages, not at a certain age range, Ayşenur Kurt said, “The physical activity habit gained especially in preschool children is reflected in the adolescence period and the later stages of life. Up to the age of 0-6, the purpose of physical competence is to learn basic movements and connect them in the game. At this stage, the physical activities of children; brain function, gross motor skills, emotional and social development, development of self-esteem, reduction of stress, development of bone and muscle strength and providing proper posture, development of motoric properties (flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination and speed) and thus facilitate access to appropriate sports. .

Prepare young children for sports with physical activities

Stating that children between the ages of 2 and 7 where basic skills are acquired are curious to discover their talents, Istanbul Rumeli University Sports Sciences Faculty Recreation Department Research Assistant Ayşenur Kurt continued as follows: `` Children at this age are walking, running, jumping, jumps, throwing them to the focal point. The preparation process for sports should be implemented with activities prepared in the form of a game with basic movements such as hitting the ball, climbing, swimming, dancing, cycling. When we think about the developmental stages, the locomotor and stability level of a 2-year-old child is in the initial phase.When the control and rhythmic coordination is improved at the age of 3-4, he starts to do the activities he wants to do in a more controlled and appropriate manner. When they reach the age of 5-6, they reach the maturity stage thanks to the basic movement training. From the age of six, children can train in a particular sport according to their specialization stages. In this context, it is accepted as the right time when children in this age group reach a certain physical and mental development in order to learn a certain sport and acquire a technique.

If the child does not perform basic movements such as running, throwing, jumping and climbing in the preschool period, it cannot be expected that children will be able to do individual and team sports as expected. ''

Start your child to the appropriate basic sports branches in pre-school period

Based on the basic movement period and skills, the basic sports branches suitable in the preschool period are swimming, athletics, general gymnastics and dance. Beginning to branches, starting with basic education skills; It will be appropriate to start swimming, gymnastics and athletics branches from the age of 3, dance from the age of 4, racket sports from the age of 6, and team sports from the age of 7 and later.

Let your child decide on the sports branch

Saying that the most important point that should not be forgotten should be left to the child to choose the sports branch to be chosen, Kurt completed his words as follows: “It should be a branch in which the child feels happy, enjoys and has fun during basic education. At this point, parents and expert trainers should observe the child and direct it according to their development. The suitability of the children to the sports branch can be determined within the activity. At the selection stage, the child's anthropometric (height, weight, body structure) characteristics, motoric (strength, speed, balance, flexibility, endurance and speed) characteristics, perception and analysis features should be carried out by experts by considering mental, social and psychological factors. '

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