What Age Child Plays?

how old child plays game
how old child plays game

The experts, stating that play, which is a very serious occupation for the child, is also a source of entertainment and learning, draws attention to the fact that play is as important as nutrition and breathing in a child's life.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development Lecturer Neşe Şekerci pointed out the importance of the relationship between children and games and evaluated the effects of games on child development.

The history of the game goes back ages

Noting that many different opinions have been put forward about what the game is since ancient times, Şekerci said, “Play is an important activity that has continued its existence in terms of education and development in every age and everywhere where human beings exist. It has been revealed in the studies of archaeologists that the history of the game and toy is as old as the history of humanity. There are documents and findings showing that many games known today were also known in ancient times, ”he said.

The game shouldn't be a fling

Stating that the importance of the game in child development is sometimes underestimated by the adults, even though the place of the game in the world of children is undisputed, Şekerci said, “From the eyes of adults, play is seen as an endeavor for the child to be entertained, distracted or to get rid of them. However, play is a serious business for the child. "Some parents consider play only as a leisure activity or are unaware of the power of this very valuable experience for children," he said.

Gaming is a serious need

Stating that the game, which is a very serious effort for children, is also a source of entertainment and learning, Neşe Şekerci said, “Children play games all over the world, in every age and every culture. Although the forms, features and toys of the games vary from age to age, it is not possible for the child to not have games and toys where they are. Play is as important as feeding and breathing in a child's life, ”he said.

What age child, how does he play?

Instructor Neşe Şekerci gave the following information about the development of play skills according to the ages of children:

In infancy; they are in an effort to know the objects and the environment. With crawling and walking, they try to recognize everything they see around by touching, throwing them, putting them in their mouths.

1-3 years old; They start imitation games with the objects they find. They imitate drinking water with a glass or talking on a phone. During this period, they play on their own. Even if there are other children around, they just watch them and do not try to communicate. Even if you sit opposite each other, everyone plays with their hand or wants the toy in the hand of the other child.

3-6 age period; Also called the game period. Children up to 3 years of age gain experience with objects and their surroundings, and after 3 years of age they start to play. But most 3-year-olds still have problems sharing toys, cooperating and playing games.

In the 3-6 age period; The child asks questions, talks, plays tirelessly throughout the day. As he learns the social rules, he starts to play games with his friends and spend time together.

4-5 years old children; They mostly prefer to play imaginary games such as house and military, imitating the characters in the movies they watch. They play various building games with wooden blocks and legos. Sometimes they use these game materials for different purposes in the game they are playing.

Children 5-6 years old; Playing by playing together is seen in children around the age of 5-6. Children aged 5-6 are more interested in board games. They prefer to cut and paste, paint, write numbers, play with puzzles.

Parents, heed these warnings

Instructor Neşe Şekerci, who advised parents about games and toys, listed her recommendations as follows:

• The child should be provided with a suitable environment and adequate materials for play. For this, a corner of the house, a room, the garden of the house, playgrounds can be used. You can provide environments where he can play games with his friends.

• The game of the playing child should not be interrupted suddenly, and prior information should be given to complete the game.

Don't collect the toys in one box!

• Instead of filling all the toys in a box, the toys should be grouped according to their characteristics. The child should be asked to maintain the same order.

• Instead of buying too many similar toys, multi-purpose toys that the child can set up different games should be preferred.

Child must choose his own toy

• While buying toys, the child should be allowed to choose. If the toy chosen by the child is not available for any reason, the reason should be explained to the child.

• While buying toys, it should be paid attention that it appeals to different development areas.

• Toys do not necessarily have to be purchased, you can make various toys with your child.

Store toys occasionally

• When your child's interest in the toys they play decreases, you can remove them for a while and then reveal them again.

• When playing games with your child, play games by only paying attention to your child and the game you play.

• By playing games with your child, you can find the opportunity to get closer to him and recognize his feelings. Play is the most effective way to communicate and get to know the child.

Playing with the child strengthens the bonds

Lecturer Neşe Şekerci stated that mothers and fathers strengthen the relationship when they are involved in children's games and said:

• Children feel approved,

• The bond between the child and the adult is strengthened,

• Children's attention span increases,

• Peer-to-peer interaction becomes more positive.