The Public Does Not Accept Payment Guarantee in PPP Projects

people do not find the payment guarantee correct in koi projects
people do not find the payment guarantee correct in koi projects

PPP projects that leave debt even to our grandchildren cannot get the approval of most citizens without party difference. 3 out of 2 citizens think that some companies are favored with these contracts. According to the Istanbul Economy research, 62 percent of the people do not find the payment guarantee correct.

According to the report of Özlem Ermiş Beyhan from SÖZCÜ; "Istanbul, 69 percent of citizens according to the report on Turkey survey conducted by the Economic Research, Public Private Partnership (PPP) highway made by the method of the airport, considering that some companies an unfair advantage gained through projects such as bridges. These agreements, which have placed a burden of payment guarantee on the citizens for many years, are getting more and more reactions from the citizens.


In the survey conducted with 2021 people in 2 provinces on February 5-12, 1500, 53 percent of the participants stated that the tax of the citizens will be sufficient for investments and there is no need for cooperation with the private sector. It was observed that 55 percent of the majority of the participants believed that public-private sector cooperation projects were not carried out with transparency. In the study, it was determined that approximately two out of three participants (62%) did not find it appropriate to provide payment guarantees to private companies in infrastructure projects.

In the research, the view of PPP projects according to party breakdown was also examined. The rate of those who argue that private sector cooperation is not required for infrastructure investments was 64 percent among the participants from the İYİ Party and 62 percent for the participants from the CHP. For AKP participants, this rate was determined as 46 percent.


The rate of opposition to PPP projects did not change according to education level. More than 50 percent of all party voters, except AKP, said that PPP projects are not managed transparently, while a very high rate of 40 percent of AKP voters stated that they think there is no transparency. 55 percent of the AKP participants said that public and private sector collaborations provided unfair gain to some companies in our country. This rate was determined as 71 percent for MHP voters. For CHP, HDP and IYI Party voters, the rate of agreement with the statement was 66, 74 and 73 percent, respectively.

people say there is unfair income in koi projects


The research revealed that more than 50 percent of all voter groups, regardless of the party, found it wrong to guarantee payment to private companies in infrastructure projects such as Osmangazi Bridge and Eurasia Tunnel. 51 percent of the AKP voters agreed-strongly agreed with the statement "I find it wrong to guarantee payment". "The fact that more than half of all voter groups agree with this statement is one of the most important results of the study," said Can Selçuki, Istanbul Economics Research General Manager.