Unknown Benefits of Nose Aesthetics!

Unknown benefits of rhinoplasty
Unknown benefits of rhinoplasty

Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Yavuz Selim Yıldırım gave information about the subject. Rhinoplasty surgery has been increasing in recent years, when this procedure is performed correctly, it provides many benefits not only in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of medicine, it is necessary to consider rhinoplasty surgery not only as an aesthetic and cosmetic surgery. The nose is also a functional organ.
Planning the nasal aesthetic surgery taking into account the structures in the internal structure of the nose is a very important step.

Both functional and aesthetic results make the patients happy by planning and performing the nose aesthetic surgery correctly.

Patients can sometimes miss important points over time by focusing only on the aesthetic part. In this article, we will explain the important benefits overlooked in 7 items.

1. To have a well-breathing nose after a beautiful nose

Distorted noses, whose outer parts are damaged due to falls and crashes, significantly affect the health of the person, adversely affect breathing, sleep quality, oral and dental health, the nose is an important organ for heating and humidifying the air taken from the outside and separating the odor functions. The air reaches an ideal consistency for the lungs, when nasal functions are disabled, lung functions are also negatively affected. While beautifying the outside of the nose with nasal aesthetic surgery, making the inside of the nose breathing provides a significant gain.

2. Self-confidence comes

The external appearance of the nose significantly affects the shape of the face. People with a slightly different nose structure are afraid to look at the mirror, cannot express themselves in society. Especially in the internet age, young people are constantly spending time on social media, their photos in these environments are criticized by their friends and are exposed to psychological trauma. It facilitates adaptation to social life by increasing self-confidence and increases success in the business environment.

3.Reduces in the frequency of upper respiratory tract infections

A person with a blocked nose becomes more sick by constantly breathing through the mouth, and nasal congestion negatively affects the ears through the eustachian tube. When the inner part of the nose is corrected with rhinoplasty surgery, the frequency of upper respiratory tract infections significantly decreases.

4. Snoring decreases

After a functional and aesthetic nose surgery, when the nasal airway is opened, snoring due to nasal congestion decreases significantly, and snoring, which is a problem between spouses, disappears and affects family life positively.

5.Positively affects sleep health

In people with nasal congestion, blood pressure, sleep quality, hormones, and body metabolism are negatively affected as a result of breathing during sleep. People whose airway becomes normal with nasal surgery also returns to normal in blood pressure and hormones. People with sleep disorder, that is, sleep apnea, tend to sleep continuously during the day, have difficulty getting up in the morning, and they can get rid of this problem with nasal surgery.

6.The sense of smell improves

Since odor molecules are carried by air, people with nasal congestion are found to have a weakened sense of smell due to low air entry into the nose. Especially in the upper part of the nose, the air flow decreases in the areas special to smell. This occurs with a decrease in the sense of smell, and an increase in the sense of smell occurs in people with air flow through the nose.

7.Improved speech and voice occurs

In people with a blocked nose or people with upper respiratory tract infection, the voice and speech have a unique feature that everyone can understand, even on the phone, the person with a blocked nose can be easily distinguished from his voice. With nasal aesthetic surgery, the patient's voice quality can be significantly improved by correcting the meats, sinuses, bone and cartilage distortions in the nose. Making his living with his voice; If imams, teachers, sipikers, artists experience nasal congestion, they begin to breathe through the mouth during speech. This causes the throat to dry and the vocal cords to dry, resulting in a quieter and bifurcation in the voice, a functional nose significantly positively affects the voice quality.

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