Few 2020 World Baby Arrives in Turkey in the year?

How many babies were born in the year turkiyede
How many babies were born in the year turkiyede

In Turkey, 2020 thousand 1 in 91, 143 million babies came into the world, 559 thousand 753 of these children were male, while 531 thousand 390 said hello to life as a baby girl.

According to the information obtained by Ajans Press from the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs data, 2020 birth rates have been determined. 1 million 91 thousand 143 in Turkey, while determining that the baby is born, the baby of the 559 thousand 753 males, 531 thousand 390 said hello to life as the baby girl. Yusuf was the most preferred name among male babies with 7. The name Yusuf was followed by Miraç with 540 thousand 6 and Eymen with 236 thousand 6. In female babies, Zeynep became the most preferred name with 222 thousand 11. After Zeynep, 179 thousand 7 baby girls were named Elif and 316 thousand 6 babies named Defne. While there are names given to only one baby in 335, these names are; It was recorded as Zeynep Göknil, Seyyah Devrim, Acehla Nur, Yüsra Çiğdem, Abbas Efe and Alpargu.

Media monitoring agency Ajans Press examined the number of news reflected in the press about the population. According to the information compiled by Ajans Press from the digital press archive, it was determined that 2020 thousand 47 news about the population were reflected in the press in 35. The number of news about baby births reflected in the press was 8 thousand 873. SMA disease was among the headlines with the most news about the child and infant population, and it was seen that 6 news was reflected in the media in this title.

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