Bahçeşehir College School Admission Exam Applications Have Started

Bahcesehir College School Admission Exam applications have started
Bahcesehir College School Admission Exam applications have started

Applications have started for the Bahçeşehir College School Admission Exam to be held in February. 2020-2021 academic year conducting training activities in Turkey's 63 provinces with 134 Bahçeşehir College campus this year's school admission test to be held between 6-28 February.

Applications on-line The School Admission Exam, which has started to be accepted from the address and Bahçeşehir College campuses, will be held on February 4-6 for 7th graders, 5-13 February for 14th graders, 6-20 February for 21th graders, 7 for 27th graders. It will take place on February 28th.

Students who succeed in the Bahçeşehir College School Admission Exam will be rewarded with various educational scholarships.

Turkey's 63 provinces in 134 campuses in more than 80 thousand students that education Bahçeşehir College, makes a difference to the success of digital education. For more than 12 years of digital education of his highlights with investments Bahçeşehir College, it is one of Europe's top 10 distance education platform between selected award-winning software Metodbox and Turkey's educational integration is the first video conferencing platform seemeet with distance education process in the most efficient conduct of the institution. With the "content determines the quality of education" approach; All written and visual contents in Metodbox, where 150 thousand students can receive distance education at the same time, are updated by a large academic and technical staff working constantly.