Pandemic Increases Interest in Cycling, Sets China Export Record

pandemic increased interest in bicycle gin broke export record
pandemic increased interest in bicycle gin broke export record

China exported $ 1,1 billion worth of bicycles in the third quarter of the year. This amount is the highest quarterly value recorded in 25 years due to the increasing external demand. China's production of bicycles and electric two-wheeled vehicles showed a double-figure increase in the period from January to September, according to the National Customs Administration.

Meanwhile, some bicycle factories have been operating at full efficiency since June, but are unable to produce orders. Yu Yuefeng, manager of a bicycle manufacturing facility in Shanghai, stated that its sales increased by 50 percent in the June-October period compared to the same period of the previous year. In this industry, Xu Yue, who is the manager of a manufacturing facility located in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang, announced that orders had more than doubled between May and November.

The bike became more popular all over the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because in this period, many people looked for an option for crowded buses and subways, and those who could not find the opportunity to do other sports had the opportunity to exercise in this way without going to gyms. On the other hand, the pandemic has also led to the explosion of electric two-wheelers, which were previously a closed area of ​​the global market.