What is Career Planning? How to Make Career Planning?

What is career planning, how is career planning done?
What is career planning, how is career planning done?

Career planning, which is the most important step of being successful in business life, is a map that makes it easier for individuals who have completed their education and have anxiety about the future to reach their goals.

What is Career?

For many people, career means the employment-related part of life. When considered from a professional point of view, the sum of the various jobs you have done throughout your life shapes your career. However, these definitions do not fully capture the meaning of the career. Career; it has a broader, life-encompassing meaning. Think of the decisions you make about a job or college as valuable components of the lifelong process. Career viewed this way; It can be defined as the summation of your decisions that guide your educational, social, economic, spiritual (and political, if applicable) endeavors and reflect your unique personality traits and core life values. You can take an important step in your career by making career choices that complement your personal characteristics and help you realize your core life values.

How to Make a Career Plan?

Career plan; It is a practical strategy that enables you to define your skills, interests, career goals and take actions that will help you reach them. It not only helps you realize your passion, but also helps you achieve your career goals through concrete actions.

  • First, you need to find out which career is right for you. Prioritize your choice based on your interests and strengths, and consider the importance of factors such as salary, company culture, working hours, commute time.
  • List your current skills. Listing your skills and experience not only helps you understand which career path is right for you, it also helps you understand if you are qualified to take your preferred route.
  • Set goals and actions. Once you have decided on your ideal career path, you should set your goals.
  • Your goals help you decide what actions to take.
  • Setting deadlines for each of your goals motivates you to get things done. Whether you set exact dates or choose a broader time scale (for example a specific month), adding dates to your career plan adds realism to your goals.

Promotion in the Corporation

The promotion of employees within the organization is related to the effectiveness of human resources (HR) in career planning. The human resources department of the companies should evaluate each position individually and assign the assignments to the appropriate people. Thanks to HR planning, it is ensured that the enterprise can use its manpower resources effectively. Corporate career planning, which plays an important role in the in-house promotion of employees;

  • Employee self-assessment,
  • To make people achieve their individual success,
  • Employee's self-improvement and progress
  • It helps to provide a good education and career opportunity to the employee with seminars and courses.

Sector Based Career Plan

It is very important in which sector you want to work in career planning. Sector based career planning; your profession is shaped around your interests and skills. For this, you can start by researching the sectors suitable for your profession. However, before this, it is important to inquire whether you have detailed information about your profession. You must be sure that you have all the features and qualifications your profession requires. You can review job postings related to your profession on job search sites. You can get information about the qualifications required by the sector you want to work with from those working in this sector.

How Should Goals Be Determined?

While determining the career goal, the person should first know himself. He should review his past experiences and realize what he has been successful in and what he likes. Self-awareness is the first and most important step in setting career goals. Personal skills and qualities also play an important role in setting goals. Features such as computer knowledge, foreign language level, smooth diction, and special qualifications of the sector that are desired to work form the basis of career choices. If your career goal is banking, you must graduate from a department related to the sector. Having strong digital skills and being able to use a computer are the requirements of the profession. However, being successful, patient and tolerant in human relationships are personal traits.

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