Criminal Procedure Has Been Launched For The Owners Of A Private Vehicle Entering The Bicycle Path In Kordon

Criminal Procedure Has Been Launched For The Owners Of A Private Vehicle Entering The Bicycle Path In Kordon
Criminal Procedure Has Been Launched For The Owners Of A Private Vehicle Entering The Bicycle Path In Kordon

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Police Traffic Branch Directorate has started a criminal procedure by determining the owner of the private vehicle, which is the subject of social media today and damaged the green area by entering the bicycle path in Kordon.

Traffic Branch Directorate teams of İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Police Department determined the location of the private vehicle that entered the bicycle path in Kordon and damaged the green area and started a criminal procedure. Three administrative sanction reports were issued to the owner of the private vehicle, which entered the bicycle and pedestrian road in Kordon from Cumhuriyet Square, where the cleaning vehicles of the Metropolitan entered, and destroyed the green areas, in accordance with the relevant articles of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Orders and Prohibitions Implementation Regulation. The owner of the vehicle, whose report was prepared for not obeying the decisions of İzmir Transportation Coordination Center (UKOME) and Infrastructure Coordination Center (AYKOME), entering the bicycle paths, pedestrian paths, green areas with motor vehicles and damaging the green areas and parks, will pay a fine of 176 liras in total.

One thousand 936 minutes were prepared

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Police Traffic Branch Directorate issued 2020 administrative sanction reports in accordance with the relevant articles of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Regulations on Implementation of Orders and Prohibitions regarding motor vehicle drivers who entered the bicycle and pedestrian path in 936.


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